I Got Shot

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
West Virginia
Well today my 3 uncles my grandpa and i were rabbit hunting, Me and my uncle scotty was walking beside each other and my other uncle was on the hill above us. Well the dogs jumped a rabbit and my uncle above us shot at the rabbit without knowing we were below him. I turned my head and jumped on the ground. As soon as the shooting was over (he shot 2-3 times) I realized a bb had hit me on the finger and was about a half inch deep into the skin. My other uncle that was beside me was hit twice in the forhead and once in the thumb. I had my uncle squeeze my finger until the bb finally popped out. It hurts so friggin bad still. He took the one out of his thumb and the other 2 didnt penetrate into his head but left some massive bruises. Well just thought i'd tell you guys about my exciting day...
If that happened to me, somebody would be getting their ass kicked before the day was over. I don't give a **** if it was my grandma, a beat down would occur regardless. That's just stupid to shoot without knowing what the **** you're hitting.
This is the reason I don't hunt....lol. They allow anybody in the woods with a gun, most of them after a pint of Jim Bean.
Well yamarider I couldnt kick my uncles ass if i wanted lol. He's hunted for years but i guess accidents happen. But theres good news, he got the rabbit... lol
He must of been quite close... I Ust to work at a Sporting Clays/ Five Stand Shooting Range and i was filling back up one of the traps and as i was filling it i hear Pull and look back after the gun fired and saw tree limbs being riped apart i had just enough time to turn and and my Carharrt jack absorbed all the shot without any penitration and all i had was a bunch of little welts. But yeah iv also been shot bye a .22 in the foot because the gun malfuntioned it hurt..
carhartts are the shiz, i got hit by a ricocheting .22 bullet from my buddy in the left shoulder and the coat didnt let it through. It still hurt but yay for carhartt. BTW *carhartt is not a bullet proof vest*
If that happened to me, somebody would be getting their ass kicked before the day was over. I don't give a **** if it was my grandma, a beat down would occur regardless. That's just stupid to shoot without knowing what the **** you're hitting.

Besides not being able to kick his ass, even if i could i wouldnt anyway, He done all my engine work on my warrior ;D he's a pretty cool guy.
Things like this are not good for the sport. I hope everyone invovled learned form the situation. I also hope it doesnt stop you from hunting in the future.

For the sake of hunting always be safe. People getting hurt just gives ********* anti-hunters something else to use against us.

Oh yeah. and were you guys wearing orange? If not it might be a good idea next time.

Sounds like your uncle needs a Firearms Refresher course.

Sounds like your uncle needs a Firearms Refresher course.

Hmm never learned that in hunter safety... But yeah thats kinda hard when there a deer running out accross a chopping at 200 yards.. Backstops arnt always possible.

Sounds like your uncle needs a Firearms Refresher course.

Hmm never learned that in hunter safety... But yeah thats kinda hard when there a deer running out accross a chopping at 200 yards.. Backstops arnt always possible.[/quote:u0e8r5xu]

BAckstop meaning what is beyond your target.
1. you capping a deer @200Yds=Irresponsable.
2. Not knowing what is behind that deer @ 200Yds=Irresponsable.
3. Even attempting a 200Yd shot without knowing what is beyond the target=Darwinisim.
haha man your funny. you Obv. dont hunt much is you think shooting a deer at 200 yards is Irresponsable. thats nothing you see guys, and pro hunting videos guys taking a deer out at over 300 yards... Why do you think they have high power rifles and scoopes? So you can sit all hunting season waiting for a deer to apper 15 yards in front of you.. granted most people would like to think that but it just dosnt happen most of the time.. The long shots are always the funnest and the ones that get your addrenaline pumping. I know whats beyond my tartget but somtimes a backstop isnt always possible for atleast another 100 yards after.
haha man your funny. you Obv. dont hunt much is you think shooting a deer at 200 yards is Irresponsable. thats nothing you see guys, and pro hunting videos guys taking a deer out at over 300 yards... Why do you think they have high power rifles and scoopes? So you can sit all hunting season waiting for a deer to apper 15 yards in front of you.. granted most people would like to think that but it just dosnt happen most of the time.. The long shots are always the funnest and the ones that get your addrenaline pumping. I know whats beyond my tartget but somtimes a backstop isnt always possible for atleast another 100 yards after.

Pulled a 7 point buck this year. From a whopping 30 Yds away.

those PORFESSIONALS also are on a PRIVATE hunting range, and not in the woods.

So, you see a deer 200 Yds away, you raise rifle, and CRACK...You missed. That bullet now has another 500yards to go before it runs out of energy. What is behind that deer for 500 yards? You better know for sure, or be prepared to deal with Homicide charges if god forbid it hits someone.

I'm glad that you are in the woods 1000 miles from me. Because in NYS, doing just that, and having a DEC agent SEE you doing it will assure you a stay in the greybar motel for a LOOOONG time.

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