I Got Shot

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iv shot deer 200+ yards out across chopping and while gutting it out the warden comes down to see if im all legal and asked me about the deer where it came out and where i was standing having a friendly convo i tell him he says Nice Shot and have a nice day.
iv shot deer 200+ yards out across chopping and while gutting it out the warden comes down to see if im all legal and asked me about the deer where it came out and where i was standing having a friendly convo i tell him he says Nice Shot and have a nice day.
What if you missed, and shot a hunter on the OTHER side of that chopping, that SAW you, and REFUSED the UNCLEAN shot?

Think that warden would be as chipper then?

Because you telling the Warden "I didn't know he was there" is not an excuse for manslaughter.
3 articals of blaze orange need to be worn i think im going to see if there is someone sitting on the other side of a 300-350 yard chopping when im already looking around with binoculars.
3 articals of blaze orange need to be worn i think im going to see if there is someone sitting on the other side of a 300-350 yard chopping when im already looking around with binoculars.

You so sure about that?

Where is the hunter in this picture?
the blind maybe? around the choopings are all private owned they need to be in it or else there getting arrested anyway.

Now, move 200 yards away, put that blind inside the treeline, and tell me where the hunter is again.

its not that hard to pick a box out of a tree line with a pair of good binox... im a loser because im not as dumb as your trying to make me out to be... Do you even ride anymore or are you on here just to piss and moan like a teenage school girl on her period?
Oooo you hit stage 3.


If it's not that hard to spot a hunter, then why did the OP get shot? Why do roughly 1500 hunters get shot EVERY YEAR? Because people like YOU do not make sure they have a clean shot, or take risky shots because they "Gots to have that Buck"

and that, my friend, is a FACT.
no 90% of them are the ones that go out in the woods with a half bottle of jack in them. misinturprate what there shooting and shoot through thick brush at (places wwhere people can hunt during rifle season in camo) there more to it then people "just like me" i wait till i have a clean shot, i use a rest, and i make sure my gun is sighted in correctly for the ammount of yards ill be shooting. which makes for a clean shot.
Spray and pray baby! I feel as if most hunting accidents are avoidable. Like Deadaim said, most of those guys are juiced up when they go out. BAD COMBO!!!! More reason to get deer meat from a buddy!!
IT was like it was stated earlier, accidents happen, you can argue till you dick falls off about what is right and what is wrong, should we not shoot a ********* in Iraq cause there's no backstop??
IT was like it was stated earlier, accidents happen, you can argue till you dick falls off about what is right and what is wrong, should we not shoot a ********* in Iraq cause there's no backstop??
Warzone != Hunting.
This thread is funny..... and everything storydude said is correct. However everyone else arguing is the funny part

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