jug wont come off

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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2011
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I have a 350 warrior i was give it hellthe other day running from the cops the my engine started started to make a loud knocking noise and i got bome shut it off and it sounded like a starter cluch going but it wasnt because it is new and just put on and i keep holding the start button in the engine would turn over reall slow then stop then turn over again slow and start and make a really loud knocking noise and then shut off and would not syart no more so i took the head off and look the head is good when i went to take the jug off stuck piston would not go down i beat on and nothing mh friend said rod baringsand if it was rod baring it should still let the piston move any help on wat could be wrong
As soon as I read runnin from the cops I had to read the rest lol, Im not sure why its not coming off but I'm sure someone can chime in. My old warrior a few years back would make a loud clunk when I would shut it off, Never affected its performance as to my knowledge, Even my 350 Raptor every once in a blue moon will make the same noise. I thought it was the starter clutch but it hasn't failed yet...
Can you turn the crank by putting a socket on the crank and a breaker bar. There's a nut behind the cover on the left side.
There is a allen head bolt on bottom of jug above stator cover. Make sure you remove it or jug won't come off.
Try to turn it over manually and if it turns over then make sure the small allen bolt is removed its hard to see and if it wont turn over manually make sure that allen bolt is out and have someone pull up on the jug and take a hammer and a wooden rod and tap the piston in a circular pattern
DINO-MITE!!!! works every time> Sounds to me like something locked up maybe that starter clutch. just a thought
Stop hitting the piston. If it's at tdc or bdc your just making things worse. If u cant turn it by hand with no head on its ****** or chain is wrapped and jammed around the crank gear. You have to hold upwards tensions on the chain like the cam gear is there or it'll jam against the guide.
^ my thought to but he said it would just start and died wasn't sure if that would make enough heat.
After i got home i shut it off and after the second time starting it it started and with a loud knocking noise and shut off and would not start after that the fly wheel was stuck i got that off i had to beat to get it off timing chain is off and still cant get the piston to move out of the jug my friend said sounds like the rod barring locked up
get some really lightweight lubricant like wd40 and load the jug with it and let it soak for a few days and penetrate, had a parts bike that was seized up because guy was spraying starter fluid in it and thats what i did
I think these guys got enough ideas covered for now, but do you have a way of taking a pic of how the pistons in the jug? Why is it Vern that you always seem to have issues!!! LOL
If you have Photobucket you can link them here on the page, Im no CP feller and I found it to be quite easy
If the rod bearing IS locked up, it shouldn't affect whether the jug will come off the piston. The piston must be seized in the jug.
That's what I'm saying unless it got so hot the piston actually expanded. I've seen that once in a car.

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