Just another rider from nc....THE SEQUEL!

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Aug 21, 2008
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Howdy from North Carolina...My wife and I love the yamaha warrior, I recently sold my cbr600f4 warrior and am looking to get a raptor soon but...My wife still has her 03 warrior with the 400ex a-arms and shocks, we're in the process right now of making it street legal...I've been threw all the laws and found it is possible in nc, incase any of you ever had the thought of doing it, watch our progress and feel free to ask me any questions about it. I'm tryin to start my own powersports shop here on oak island that specializes in making sport quads street legal and custom...enjoy.

If pic is too small or doesnt show up some one please post these up...
WOW! how did you get it to where you could use 400ex a arms and that is nice!
hell yeah, i was thinking of going with this setup before i bought my asr's. i talked to a guy on youtube that did it, but i figured it was too much trouble. funny thing is he also had a 600 warrior.

you got any vids on the tube?

edit: wait a sec, i was looking through your pics and i think you are the same guy lol. are you ghettogothfreestyle on youtube?
Welcome, Like the hood you fabbed up for the 600 warrior, smart thinking. Also, whats up with the black hood on the street bike?
Nice man. Like the hood and 400EX set-up. I second that you should do a write up on using those on a warrrior!!!
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am ghetto from youtube, I got a few vids of the blue warrior (wifes) before we started the street legalization, the other quad beside the blue warrior is my cbr600f4 warrior with the warrior tank and shroud turned backwards for a new look and to give room for the 4 carburators and air box...I have been meaning to do a write up or video on the 400ex set-up but have been so busy starting my own powersports shop...I also have 2 older model warriors I'm parting out, I think they are 1990's and 1989 model...I havent gotten any pictures of the new street rims but they are motosport alloys nuke rims with EFX lo-pro tires, the custom hood was done with stiff card board, some plastic weld and bondo, I run a custom auto shop so I have everything here to express my creativity, and my canvas of choice will be street quads here in nc.
If I could get some better pic of the hood, I'd be interested in one. Buy a stock white one off Ebay and mod it, sell it to me! hahah

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