Lost cam pin in engine please help..

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Jun 7, 2013
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hi i just finished a rebuild and didnt have a torq wrench to tighten the cam bolt to torq specs and while out riding the first 5 mins i heard a rattling chain sound in engine then took cam cover off because engine sounded like there was no compression.. when i did that i noticed that the cam bolt had loosend and the cam pin had broke messing up cam sprocket to... as i went to take the bolt off to pull of the sprocket the pin dropped right into the engine..... i drained oil to see if it would come out that way but nothing.. please help im stumped and dont know what i should do to get the little pin out???
if its in the engine you might have to split the cases thats the safest way to to it
i hope the slippage of the timing didn't cause contact between the valves and piston. it may be a whole other animal if that happened in which case it would pay to do comp test on it and see where it is.

as far as just fishing the pin out you shouldn't need to split the cases, however that's pretty simple should you need to. you should be able to just remove both side covers along with taking out the flywheel and flush it outta there through the clutch area. you'll have to remove the engine from the frame though. that's the worst part really.

ask me how i know because i had to do nearly the same thing last year on my 99. i had a cam bearing disintegrate while riding and i had to flush mine out. your issue doesn't sound too bad to me though. that pin probably fell right down to the bottom of the sump.

good luck
ya my piston hitmy exhaust valve a bit and bent just exhaust valve and make a small mark on piston but doesnt look bad at all cant even feel the mark..it was a brand new namura piston.. i dont think the rod is bent or anything because it went up in down in cylinder the same after it happend... the pin part fell inside the timing chain part where the bottom of timing sprocket inside case is.... would i just be able to pull stator cover off and look then?? im gonna try and fish out with a magnet first. but im wonderin if when i drained the oil could it have made it go further in the engine???
well if the valve made contact then they are surely bent even if it is only by a **** hair. it may not run right afterwards.

any time contact is made it is never a good idea to keep running it like that. i'm guessing you took the topend apart to check everything. another thing to remember is that your namura piston is more than likely cast. it may hold up fine, but a smack from the valve could cause it to weaken. when cast pistons weaken they tend to disintegrate and break all to hell. use your own judgment though. i would slap in a forged wiseco piston myself. that's just my opinion.
ya the intake valve is perfect seats just like it was before it didnt touch and the exhaust valve just looks like it rubbed the anodized/silicone top coat off the piston. im hoping i can find this pin. its really small and will prob be a pain in theass to find..