right on. glad to hear you asked first. i know i would be pissed if someone found my jump and just started riding on it. could be a liability factor in there too if someone got hurt while trespassing, knowing how the american legal system is totally ****** today. well i tryed to work on it today, but i got the tractor stuck once and it took me a while to get it out. it has rained the past few days here, so the ground is kinda muddy where i am digging with the tractor and its just not too friendly to it. the dirt is really nice to work with though, but its heavy. so i got a little pissed when i had to waste about 15-20 minutes getting the tractor un-stuck and then ended up breaking a rake while trying to rake the few small loads of dirt/mud i had managed to get. thats when i just said the hell with it, put everthing away and went home to relax. ill try again sometime soon. maybe after finals at school when i have more time. need to get some help down there to get it built faster too and MORE DIRT!!!!