My warrior before and after the rebuild

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Lol, yes I did ask before I played on it. I don't really feel like going to jail for trespassing ya know. Yea get some pix posted of you track when your done.
right on. glad to hear you asked first. i know i would be pissed if someone found my jump and just started riding on it. could be a liability factor in there too if someone got hurt while trespassing, knowing how the american legal system is totally ****** today. well i tryed to work on it today, but i got the tractor stuck once and it took me a while to get it out. it has rained the past few days here, so the ground is kinda muddy where i am digging with the tractor and its just not too friendly to it. the dirt is really nice to work with though, but its heavy. so i got a little pissed when i had to waste about 15-20 minutes getting the tractor un-stuck and then ended up breaking a rake while trying to rake the few small loads of dirt/mud i had managed to get. thats when i just said the hell with it, put everthing away and went home to relax. ill try again sometime soon. maybe after finals at school when i have more time. need to get some help down there to get it built faster too and MORE DIRT!!!!
nah. i didnt break anything, the tractor is just old. my grandpa is a cheap ass and convinced my dad and uncle to go in on a cheaper tractor instead of paying more and getting a new one. it still works, but the dirt was just muddy so i got stuck easier. im going to see if i can find a place here in town that has a bunch of wooden shipping pallets that they dont want to use as filler for the tabletop. then i just need to cover it with dirt and make the landing. i got some pics of it how it is right now. ill post them sometime soon, but for now, im going to get down on some dinner!
I've rode a couple of mx tracks that had no doubles at all. Every jump was table topped. Around here most of them are going to that to cut down on injuries. I've jumped some pretty big doubles and doubt I ever do it again. I'd like to but I've got too many people counting on me to be so wreckless. The first time I hit one I just decided to get on it and stay on it. I was surprised I cleared When I did, I thought "the next one is about the same size". By the time I thought that it was too late to back out. I cleared it and rolled the rest of the track trying to quit shaking LOL... then I hit the step up before those doubles with the intention of hitting another jump each lap. I ended up casing the step up and with my nads in my throat I loaded up and went home.

At least with table tops you only have to worry about over jumping. If you back out at the last second on a double you will be hurt. If you back out on a table top you will just have a rough landing. I would suggest if any of ya'll get on a track you've never ridden, follow a regular to the track around to get your speed right. If it is a lighter or more powerful bike be sure to go a little faster if possible. AND DO NOT BACK OUT ON A DOUBLE! You will hit nose first and probably endo into the second part of the double.
yeah doubles are scary. ive only done a little one (about 1 ft high and 3-4ft long) but i was still afraid i would somehow screw something up, like a rear axle or tires or something. i kinda rode on a mx track in salem,mo at a ORV park called flat nasty. it was more for bikes i think and the takeoffs were steep and scary. at this time i was riding pretty much stock except for the ****** alba pipe and k&n, so the suspension didnt really like it! i still dont think i would ride it now unless it was all table tops. they need more tracks like you are talking about kreed. i would probably ride one if they had one here.
what is a tabletop....? i keep hearing all you guys talk about it.

Here are a couple more table top pics:


This is a really safe track. The doubles I have jumped were at a track that is a replica sx track. The website is down so I don't have any pics. The doubles were about 25' each. I made them on a totally stock raptor 350. The landings were smooth as silk. You land on a downward slope so there is little shock absorption to it. Then again, with how my adrenaline was pumping I wouldn't have noticed it if they'd bottomed My little bro told me that if I hit it hard enough to clear it, it would be smooth. He was right. That is him in the pics. There were a dozen or more bikes at that track in the pics and half a dozen or so quads and Goob was the only one I seen clear everything there. I know others do it everyday but he was the only one who did while I was watching.
damn those look nice! grrrrr. i need to get working! STOP RAINING! DAMN YOU MISSOURI WEATHER!!!!! (been raining the past 3-4 days, so im getting kinda pissed!)
damn those look nice! grrrrr. i need to get working! STOP RAINING! DAMN YOU MISSOURI WEATHER!!!!! (been raining the past 3-4 days, so im getting kinda pissed!)

Same here in Kentucky. Supposed to rain on and off tomorrow too. Sucks, no riding anytime soon. But the Bar-B-Q Fest is this weekend so I know it won't be raining then..
lol...raining off and on here too. I'm getting used to not riding though. Sad ain't it?
too sad. only good news is that my schedule at work is probably changing in favor of saturday rides. looks like ill be getting off work at 7am on saturday mornings instead of noon! yea!!! goin to deepwater on friday. hopefully it wont be too muddy or wet! ill see if i can beat any more z400's!
Hey Pelphrey Im headed to Kentucky the 26th of this months to go on a 4 day ridding thing. How are the trails out there? I Have no idea what part of Kentucky i am going to though.
Well danm it man find out what part of kentucky your coming too.

You need to stop by my place so I can ride that beast on with the 660 shocks. Plus I just want to see it. Find out if your going to the kentucky lake area. If so you'll be going to turkey bay I'd assume, never been there but know that there are tons of trails to ride on. Your going to be traveling, coming from above indy to almost the bottom of KY..
well i guess im going to eastern, to jackson county area. Where are you bouts in KY? Umm Im more like right in the middle of indy.

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