need a new quad

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Borrego Springs , California
OK its time for me to let the moths out of my wallet and buy my wife a quad.She has been riding a 1983 Suzuki ALT 125 3 wheeler.The thing runs like a champ but really beats her up with no suspension what so ever and she can not keep up. Anyway my budget is 1500 and she can't use a clutch so the warrior is out.(darn) I need some suggestions.Some i have looked at are a 1986 Suzuki 185 quad with only front suspension (700).A 2005 Polaris Phoenix 200cc(1500) and a Polaris trail boss (1250).I don't know Polaris so i don't know if it would run like a warrior.It seems hard to find and automatic quad.
please help!
You could look for some older Big Bears, Bear Trackers, or Timberwolves, The Big Bear 350 is basically a Warrior motor with a different transmission behind it. Timberwolves are easy to operate, but a Warrior will just flat smoke one. Limiting your options to just automatics is really cutting your choices down though.
The neighbors kid has one of them 200 phoenix. Seems like a good reliable quad. My moms boy freind has a Polaris trail boss 325. Its perfect for someone who just like to cruise and be comfy. The seats like a leather sofa haha. Its a good work horse too.
I know my friend had a polaris trailblazer 250 and we beat the heck outa it for a while until he sold it haha so I would say its a durable bike but I also have a 350 polaris hawkeye which made me promise to never own a polaris... But teach her to work a clutch? lol.
My dad had a honda rancher it was a electric button shift, was a 350 and would scoot pretty good rode comfy if you can find one of those around your area.
wow thanks i forgot all about the recon and rancher the perfect bike would be Honda 250 ex but i am too poor.i will keep looking.And ya i just don't get it my wife has a pickup that is a 5 speed and drives it fine she just can get the hang of the clutch on a bike.
Well the honda 250ex is a semi clutch IIRC you can shift with your foot no finger pull needed until you have reverse, then I think what you do is go to neutral, there is a red button you push down at same time pull lever in, and either click down one or reach down with your right hand and pull up on a lever. Most newbies will get the honda 250ex as a intro in sport quad of its ease of shifting then step to a finger pull clutch. But once she tries and gets the hang of the clutch she won't want anything else.
wow thanks i forgot all about the recon and rancher the perfect bike would be Honda 250 ex but i am too poor.i will keep looking.And ya i just don't get it my wife has a pickup that is a 5 speed and drives it fine she just can get the hang of the clutch on a bike.

My wife's the opposite,cant drive a standard car but does fine on the quad or bike...:???:
i just bought my wife a 01 bear tracker for 600. she loves that quad. you can find them really cheap if you look around on craigslist. average price is 500-1000 bucks for a running bike. good luck
Thats even better its never been rode hard, just putted around on. They are pretty easy to ride form what I gather, there is no need for a finger clutch just put it in gear and take off, let off gas shift and back on it. Reverse is different, gotta have neutral push down the red button and pull lever in, reach down with right hand and pull a lever, or you could shift down one notch not for sure.

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