New aproach on oil cooling?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2012
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Although there is nothing wrong with the two approaches ,big bear and cluch cover, being the last, a bit controversial. Is it feaseble to pick up oil from the sump plug via a scavenge pump 3lt/minut 3amps 12v cool it and drain it via the dipstick hole?
No pressure drop caused by the tubes and oil cooler(Clutch C metd).
And no expensive oem parts (BB setup).
Can be easely controled by a thermostat.
Of couse fittings will have to be made to make it water and dirt prof.
But it cools only the sump oil (the oil is all the same but it will pick up heat on its way to the head, bearings etc...)
i see your point about going a different route with the cooling, but both the CC or BB methods are the only way to go imo.

the easiest being the BB because it's a bolt-on application other than buying the cooler and lines. just bolt on and go and it's provides a plenty of cooling for the 350. works well for stock to lightly modded engines.

the more difficult option would be the CC method and even then it's not hard. you just need to be precise with drilling the holes. this method works better imo because it pulls the hot oil away from the crank bearing, which is known to be a weak point in these engines, and replaces it with cooler oil. works well with stock or even more stoutly modded engines.

the scavenge pump idea would probably be okay, but how are you gonna tap into the sump? i'm guessing through the drain plug? then how are you gonna setup the return line inside the oil fill hole? you wouldn't have a way to check the oil level. i could see it if we had an oil level window on the case, but alas there is not. next is the issue with tapping into the wires to actually run that pump. is there even enough power left over to operate a pump? i dunno what kind of strain it would put on the ignition system.
sorry for the late anwser (its my first non working weekend in months :))
the lights pull about 60w at 12v its about 5 amps, the pump is more or less 3 amps, as the oil starts to warm up it gets thinner the pump pulls less amps and it wil be thermosts controled, the electrical conections are easy enough.(will make circuit diagram)
You got a point about checking the oil level, its complicated to check, unless i drill and tap a return line in to the cluch case...?
(Prob. going to do the ccover method unexpensive and proven, but...)