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Active Member
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Blairsville, GA
Been riding 2 wheels for 37 years (as of the end of this month) and have had a utility quad in the family since 1989( '90 Kawasaki Bayou still sporting the OEM tires and it runs as strong as when new!)

Recently picked up a 2000 Warrior for my youngest son who just never really clicked with the bikes and loves the quad but has totally taxed the capabilities of the little Bayou. The Warrior has sat unused for quite a bit and I've got a small electrical gremlin to sort out and a complete rebuild of the carb is in order. Accelerator pump is frozen, pilot jet is trashed and the needle set is missing the clip for starters....oh, and there was a 3/8ths inch hole in the float bowl that the PO did a lousy epoxy patch job on leaving something stuck to the inside that has partially disintegrated and gummed up the whole works. :argh:Other than that, it runs very strong once you get the main jet opened up:haha:
Once these minor issues are sorted, I'll get her shined up and post a few pics.
Awesome, welcome to the forum! Looking forward to the pics! :)
Thanks guys! I've got the electrical issue narrowed down to a bare wire on the key switch grounding out. Worked fine as long as everything is dry, but if it's wet (like after washing the bike) then it would ground to the frame and blow the fuse on the starter relay.

The carb is out and parts are ordered to set it right. I had enough practice trying to get it sorted out that I can now pull it out and sitting on a bench in about 4 minutes flat.
Latest update.....

I just finished rebuilding the carb. After I got it torn down I found the accelerator pump completely frozen, idle jet was boogered from a poor attempt at removal, the float needle clip was missing so the needle was just bouncing around and to top it all off, there was a really botched job to patch a hole in the float bowl that was crumbling apart and had something that looked like a cross between inner tube and cardboard stuck to the inside. The cardboard looking thing had deteriorated and curved just enough to stick and hold the float up in a fully raised position. It's a wonder it ran at all.

Just got is all back together now and it runs like a champ. I patched the hole with a good epoxy but also picked up a rebuilt carb so I'll swap float bowls and keep the other unit for a spare. I despise the rinky dink way the air filter mounts on these things and will be replacing it with something else real soon!

Back to the electrical gremlin....seems that it was not just the bare wire. The bike starts and runs fine but at some point during the 15 minutes I was running it around the yard and woods, it shorted out the 15A fuse in the starter relay again. No water issue this time so I guess I'm back to the drawing board. Open to ideas where to look.

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