Meh I think I'm going to hold off on the YFZ for now and work on the Warrior, I'll look for a YFZ around tax time lol. Trying to sell off some computer parts to help get me going on the Warrior build and my shed.
Well, I guess I'm not going to be the owner of a warrior now. I had an agreement with the guy that I'd pick it up later this week like after wed, guess he sold it to someone else after we made our agreement. Was kind of an ass about it as well telling me to "get over it" I don't know personally when I make an agreement to sell something to someone I don't sell it to someone else without at least letting them know......
Ugh....then he tells me I'm harassing him and that he's going to tell his dad and that his dad is 6'2 and 300lbs and not to be surprised when I get a call......
Now I'm pretty bummed.... I don't know if I want to try and find another Warrior to build or just go for something else now. I don't think I'll find another partial like that for so cheap I know that....
Oh and I might have some YFZ450 brakes for sale....
Hold onto the brakes... Warrior's pop up all the time and I'm sure you'll find another good deal in the next month or two.
And don't worry, he sounds like a punk ass kid. Worst comes to worst, if you have his address, just send many ladies mags to his address under his name...
Yeah I'm not worried, it was just crazy juvenile. Yeah I may go for that YFZ. It's missing the top end but I don't think that's bad for 1k bucks. Never seen a YFZ that was running for under like 2k or so.
The YFZ would just pretty much take up all my money right now lol and then I'd have to wait to fix it. But oh well....having a YFZ450 would be freaking awesome.
Well the guy sold the YFZ already. I figured it wouldn't last long. Oh well I guess, how do you guys feel about an 01 400EX? Or maybe a 03 Z400? Looking at some other options I really doubt I'll find another YFZ that's broken anytime soon local.
Yeah, I don't know maybe I could still get a warrior or something. There is an 01 blaster on here that looks pretty nice, but aren't they 2 stroke? And a bit smaller?
Yeah I see lots of them.....I just don't know if that'd be better then going for maybe a Banshee or 400EX? I've seen a few banshee's for close to 1k, and several 400ex's for close to that price.
By the way I love this forum much more then the YFZ450 forum.... laid out better, less confusing. The YFZ450 forums don't have a section for just posting your projects and stuff, no area for trails and what not.... I think regardless of what I buy I'll have to stick around here lol.
Banshee... fun bike, maintenance is cheap, but you have to have them set up properly. If it is not properly tuned and maintained, you will have nothing but double trouble.
400ex, another great platform, more performance and better chassis/suspension than a warrior, but no reverse. Almost as bullet proof.
Right now its a buyers market, but definitely use search tempest... I always come across pretty decent finds on it, good thing I don't give in and buy them.
Yeah, I found an 02 Banshee not too far from here that needs an engine rebuild. He's asking 950 though and could probably talk him down. They are 350cc right? But 2 stroke I think? Not sure if the newer ones were 4 stroke or not.
950 isnt too bad... but just make sure to look it over real good... always look at the bottom of the frame. Also if you have a compression tester, make sure its above 130psi I believe. All are 2 stroke, and yeah its a 350cc twin.
There is a guy that's parting out a YFZ450 but he won't sell it as a whole....but he is selling all the parts. He said there are too many aftermarket parts to sell as a whole? I don't get it.... anyways I'll keep looking.
There is a 2002 Warrior for 1k near me. I emailed the guy not sure if it's still available. I don't know why people don't delete their listings when they sell. It's rather annoying.
Well I'm picking up the 2002 Warrior. It looks real nice and I don't think there is much wrong with it if anything at all.
Also received my 1987-2004 Clymers Repair Manual. Nice and detailed, I like it.
I also received my YFZ450 front brakes. The lines it came with are actually braided stainless lines and they actually look really good they are just dirty! Awesome purchase for 50ish bucks I think! I don't know if the bads are all that good so I may end up ordering new ones before I install them.
I should be picking up the Warrior between tomorrow and Tuesday depending. I had to wait for the money to get into my bank account from paypal, I gave them a 100 dollar deposit to hold it though. I may have to rent a truck to pick it up. Going to be getting a class 1 hitch for my Passat and keep my eye out for an inexpensive trailer but for now I won't have that.
Anyone know what size socket the handlebars holder bolts are? I think I'm going to have to pick up the warrior in my grandmothers van, according to online the warrior is 42" tall I'm assuming that is from the ground to the top of the handlebars. The rear opening of the van is 40.5" so I'm guessing if I lay the handlebars down it'll go into the van.
I thought I'd have money to rent a uhaul truck but taxes are a lot more then I was expecting.
Anyone have a stock setup that might be able to measure how tall it is? From the top of the lights, and the top of the handle bars? then whatever the next highest point is?