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New Member
Jun 26, 2011
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I have a 97' Warrior and I have replaced the Coil and Starter Relay last year was running brought it home to work on this year and after rebuilding the carb I got it to run long enough to set the cab but when I tried to restart I couldn't it would just crank. Tested and replaced the stator it was bad and had to fix a wire on the relay assembly that clicks when I press the clutch lever and now that's all I get is that click nothing else not sure where to go from here?,:argh:
mmmm could be lots of things... it soemthing simple but not being there its hard for me to guess...

my first guess is the starter solenoid is rusty and needs the terminals all cleaned... if it doesnt click then you need to look at the start button
Thanks for the reply
New Starter Solenoid
This Started after i changed the Stator?
i am assuming it ran fine after the stator change?

i am also under the understanding that it does absolutely nothing when you press the start button

in this case i recommend jamming something steel between the posts on the start solenoid... there should be no reason for it to not crank at that point

if it still doesnt crank you have a bad connection to the starter, or worn out brushes in the start.

if it does crank you have a bad start button.

after we get it cranking then we can worry about whether or not it fires