oil injection block off kit

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Well, I tried it. I ran straight gas in my warrior. I don't even think you need the oil injection. It ran awesome!
Damnit!!! It Happened Again... BUT I was able to salvage my bearings this time.


Omg dude how much are those beasty muffler bearings worth? i have like 30 gazzilion mufflers that wont work with my wheelie sensor and air bags so i just threw them in a pile
I've heard that you can get core value when you buy a new muffler -about $3.00. If you have plenty, try contacting a manufacturer. Worth a try maybe.

This thread is the best -lots of useful info
i had that same problem but it was with 1 and 4... only on my warrior... these thigns are a pain in the ass....i think im gonna switch out the engine to a V4 and say to hell with the I6...too much weight and its too much gas...after all, where i am gas is 2.40 a gallon
I've heard connecting the shocks to the motor with oil lines helps your shocks run cooler, especially if you have an oil cooler, also how often do you guys check the U joints on your Warrior, I was thinking of getting a new drive shaft.lol
might want to check your tire fluid level too, i have heard that if you dont have any fluids you can float when goinf through deep water.....sometimes my exhaust bearing rattles...is that bad?
Could I fit a Holly 1050 Dominator carb on my warrior, without the tunnel ram of course, I don't want to get carried away. ;)
how about that F-16 jet motor swap 2sec. 1/4 mile not sure if it would work in the mud to good....
EddieHunt05: yeah my muffler barrings fell out
Justin******009: urs did
EddieHunt05: mhmm
Justin******009: on the hmf
EddieHunt05: yeah
Justin******009: how do u know
EddieHunt05: there rattling like a mother
Justin******009: that sucks can that do anything?
EddieHunt05: might make it run lean
EddieHunt05: then say bye bye to piston
Justin******009: wasnt it runnign lean before
EddieHunt05: no rich
Justin******009: o well if its running rich now maybe itll cancell it out so it runs good
EddieHunt05: if im lucky
EddieHunt05: hahaha i ought to smack you
Justin******009: for what
EddieHunt05: mufflers dont have barrings
got my hands on a couple of yamaha outboards --thinking about putting them in facing out. Figure I can dump the swing arm and have independant rear suspension. Will have to get the oil injection block off kit and a good water cooling system.

What do you think?
Dave what a newbish question...Take out your sparkplug and pour it in!!!! It will run through the valve train guide, past the alternator, and then it goes in the tranny. Its works better if you have one of those cold air intake systems too, keeps the tranny sprockets cooler and lubed up.
NICE this site is full of such helpful info, don't know what I would do without it. Who would of thought, pouring tranny fluid down the open sparkplug hole would make it to the tranny. Such genious. :cool:
Not to brag, but yes i do know my ****.... :cool: Oh and dave and all other warrior owners for oil you need to try some klotz 2-stroke oil, if you premix it with 4 cycle oil its makes your quad a 6 stroke!!! ??? Confusing, yes but just trust me.

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