Over rev box

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[quote:sw0hqrw4]yeah..i def. cant afford rebuild all the time..o by the way dshiznit i saw you pic in dirtwheels..way to represent the warrior

haha yea. im surprised someone on here noticed it. :cool:[/quote:sw0hqrw4]
Yeah i was gunna say something on AOL..but your always away..i think we should all send in pics of our warrior to dirtwheels,atv sport,quad,etc on the same month and see how gets into the mag..
yeah i had a procom and it cracked right threw the side.... it still works but i just bought a stock one off of ebay to adviod the chances of the procom completly braking

and i also did notice a difference when i put the stock backk on it seemd to have a less powerful low end and slower rev + the stock box will let u start right up even with a battery that couldn't turn the engine over more than 3 times i couldnt start up inless i had a fully charged battery with the procom
Got the dynatek on tonight and rode the bike around... Right now I have it set to the one curve above stock and it's a huge difference. I can pull wheelies and the bike rev's way quicker.. also hit's harder in the power band. Run's really smooth and starts super quick. What an awesome box. The biggest problem I'm facing now is the fact that they programed a rev limit in there. I'm not very happy about that and I will be contacting Dyna tomorrow to see what can be done or what is going on. . The bike pulls and pulls through the rpm and you can feel the bike start to pull really hard and then bam hits the rev limiter right when the gettin is good. I put the bike in reverse and funny the rev limit is even lower.. before there wasn't anything holding me back. So I'll have to call them. But I still can't believe how much power it added and it's not even on the top curve.

haha yea. im surprised someone on here noticed it. :cool:
Yeah i was gunna say something on AOL..but your always away..i think we should all send in pics of our warrior to dirtwheels,atv sport,quad,etc on the same month and see how gets into the mag..[/quote:t399e8ee]
I would win.
Yeah i was gunna say something on AOL..but your always away..i think we should all send in pics of our warrior to dirtwheels,atv sport,quad,etc on the same month and see how gets into the mag..
I would win.[/quote:y5gotzhp]
You have any picks of your warrior?
kool..so they set the rev limit really low? how much did the dynatek cost ya?

No.. I called some "tech" guy at dynatek and he said bikes with no rev limiter they program from the factory 2000 rpm limit more then peak power when they dyno a bike. Since mine is modded up it kicks right in as soon as peak power or just right after is felt. I just think it's gay they did that. Now I have to go and buy the programing kit to get rid of that. The power difference is there you can for sure feel it, I just wish they would have told me that they added a rev limit to it. I got it from dennis kirk as there close by and got the shipping for free.. I believe it was like $300 or so.
ok kool..so the bottom end is really good but it falls off on the top b/c of the rev limit?

No. It pulls faster through the RPM. The limiter kicks in just after peak power.

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