So i am going to keep updating this thread, but it will just be with my KFX build for the time being.. The place i am storing my trailer at, well he wants it out of there so i don't have the room for two builds.
So here is how the warrior is going to sit for the next couple months
On the plus side.. i am fully focused on the KFX and most of the parts are ordered, i also started a list of to do's
same here,black/red or black/orange is always beautiful. My next build will be white plastics,black frame,red Aarms and swing arm.. Every thing else chrome lol
Man it's been a crazy year. Did some racing, did alot of work around the house, and now i'm back to rebuilding quads for 2016. First race is in just a couple weeks and from the pics below you can see i am in some serious time crunch. It's a toss up on which will be done first, looking like the KFX, though the warrior may be done also.
So here's a couple pics
Current state of the garage.
Here's me in the first corner of the last race of the 2015 season.
And the current state of my KFX
Oh and this is a warrior site right, so why not post some progress pics of the warrior!!
Got some cracks fixed last saturday, now all it needs is some paint!
This thing is coming together so fast it's crazy. Second pic is where i am at as of right now, which is putting wiring harness on it. I'm still in need of a few parts, and depending on if my KFX is done for the race this sunday or not will determine if i just pull the parts from it to run the warrior.