Quad back fires and dies

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2010
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Recently my quad on high strain backfires and sometimes dies. It just started. what would cause this?

I checked the airfilter and its thilthy so im gonna change this out asap, would this cause it?

also what color is the spark plug suppose to be? mine is light gray, and what is the gap for an 01 warrior thanks
on high strain? im guessing your refering to high rev? i would take the carb out and clean it all out with carb cleaner and then blow it out with air.. if needed take the jets out and clean them real well. i am having the same problem but at idle
well i cleaned the air filter and the spark plug and rode it today on the trails for a couple hours and it didnt miss a beat. the air filter was so crummy.
there yah go man. Gotta keep that thing clean. It needs to breathe, also, a crappy filter will lead to a crappy carb.
well bad news, i took it in the woods today and and it was even worse now... it backfired and died.. this time it didnt start back up for about 10 mintutes.. im out of ideas. what should i try now? taking the carb out and cleaning it?

what is the proper way to clean the carb and jets? would i need to buy new seals for it?
it always happens at high RPMS like stated earlier, like it doesnt get enough fuel and just dies.
also when i take out the main, pilot, and air mixture screw do i have to worry about all of the settings and screwing in the jets and needles too much? i heard the stock air mix screw is non adjustable so do i just screw all them in as tight as they go?
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No the jets should only be tightened enough to seat them, if you over tighten them, they will not come back out, esp. on these carbs, there known for that.....

As far as counting them, the only thing you need to count is the air/fuel screw, count the turns out (its usually around 2 turns).....

Just take it all apart, and clean it with cleaner real good, blow the jets out, and while your in there, check the plunger for the accel pump real good, replace the spring if needed, one in a clicker pen is the best..... Should work out good for you then.

Good luck take your time, and remove any rubber o-rings if you soak it in cleaner, it will eat the rubber right up bro
do you have an inline fuel filter? If not I would put on in. Maybe it's messing up at the petcok. Just another thing to check because it sounds like when you forget to turn the fuel on and it's almost out of gas. Not that i did that yesterday lol
i do not have an inline fuel filter, where can i buy one? i will be cleaning the carb today.
i do not have an inline fuel filter, where can i buy one? i will be cleaning the carb today.

Pretty much any cycle or auto parts store should have them (Cheap).

Your looking for something like one of these 2 examples. (There are other styles, but this is pretty typical.


about the filter, don't get a paper one like they use for mowers and the like. Those are known to rot out with the fuel demand of an ATV and then you'll have more problems on yours hands.

I cleaned out the carb just down and took a bunch of crud out of it and it doesnt seem to quit and backfire when i rev it no more...


It doesnt like to idle now... it idles for about 5 sec or so and quits. it sounds like the carb is hiccuping.. sometimes it hiccups and idles again then other times it hiccups and dies. any ideas?

I cleaned out the carb just down and took a bunch of crud out of it and it doesnt seem to quit and backfire when i rev it no more...


It doesnt like to idle now... it idles for about 5 sec or so and quits. it sounds like the carb is hiccuping.. sometimes it hiccups and idles again then other times it hiccups and dies. any ideas?

did you back the air screw out?
I have adjusted the idle with no luck. Where is the fuel/air screw I didn't think it was adjustable on these carbs.
the air screw is a brass flat head screw on the bottom of the carb, next to the float bowl. The screw faces down when the carb is mounted
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