Quad back fires and dies

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Well if its overflowing, flooding, or the filter is clogged, then it will be drawing and/or spilling back into the air box and filter, it would be a good indication to check things out if the filter has gas on it rather then the filter oil....

This quad is really starting to piss me off....

I just had my carb rebuilt by a professional at a local cycle shop and thought that would cure my problems... well i was wrong.

The quad ran fine for a little bit...but... it then decided that it wanted to stall on me and not start back up.... im out of ideas.

Should i just take a risk and buy a remanufactured carb for 260 bucks...? i mean the technician told me he didnt find anything wrong with the carb.

My valve clearences are in check. i dunno what else to do?
Also the overflow on the bowl drips gas? i have taken the float off and put it in gas and there are no crcks. is this dripping normal? it drips a decent amount
Just installed a new float needle it moves freely, whats the proper way to adjust the float?
Take the float bowl off and turn the carb upside down. The measurement from the mating surface where the float bowl mounts to the body to the highest point on the float body should be 1/2 inch. Technically between 11.4 and 13.4mm or .45 to .53 in. The float arm should be resting on the float needle, but not compressing the needle. To adjust bend the tang (that presses the needle) up or down to make necessary changes.
well adjusted it and it ran longer than it usually does, but then backfired again and died. it still leaks a lot of gas out the overflow too...
Yup i checked it, i just ordered another carb off ebay im done pissing with it! i hope this fixes it. i adjusted the float and the carb overflow from the bowl still drips a lot of gas.
You prob. have a broken drain screw or a crack in the overflow nipple then, if all other issues were eliminated first.... Good luck with your new carb....
still the problem persists someone told me i might need new reeds?
Hahahah, reeds are for 2-strokes. That person is retarded.

I'm confused on all this. Sounds like a carb issue but you have a new carb on it? It has to be somethinf else. Humm. Your boot (from carb to head) isn't ripped?

When the last time you check you valve gap? Intake valve may be burned/damaged or may be too tight. Check valve stem/cap clearances and check compression.
Other thing that comes to mind is a slipped intake cam sprocket. You cam chain tension good? (pull your tensioner)
Yup i checked the clearences, they all checked out, checked the timing chain its good, compression is excellent, carb boot isnt ripped it brand new. Its just like my quad is getting too much fuel and shutting itself off. I mean when i run it the overflow drips gas no matter what. I tryed 3 carbs.. should i go with a remanufactured one for 300 bucks.... im so frustrated

I wanted to go to wellsville this weekend but now i dont think i can

I took off the tank and the petcock and looked inside my gas tank...

The petcock filters were caked with grime and dirt, and the bottom of the gas tank i use to fill my quad is dirt as piss little dirt particles everywhere..

Maybe this would cause the float needle not to close all the way and leaking a little bit of gas in the bowl... leading to the little drips from the overflow? im going to clean the carb out now and get a in line fuel filter with some fresh gas and go from there.. if not i guess im gonna sell it =[
Got another UPDATE:

thought i had it fixed but nope.

I installed an inline fuel filter, cleaned the carb again, cleaned the tank, put fresh gas in it.

THe quad ran longer than usual, i was getting excited but it then proceeded to BACKFIRE and STALL

So frustrating....

The dripping from the carb has stopped, i guess there was junk getting in the carb and messing up the float needle...

But the thing still just stalls whenever it wants to... for no reason at all.. anything i can try please let me know even if its simple, when it ran it idled fine and ran fine just randomly stalling is annoying

Oh and i have to wait a little bit like 5-10 mintues for it to start again but when it does it cranks over and starts on the first blimp...

Would a new spark plug help i pulled it out and the plug is gray and doesnt smell of gas or i oil..?
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think i would get more money selling it whole or parting it out?

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