Well-Known Member
your just mad cause you have the slowest quad on here, get over it....why dont you try doing something for your qua on your own, rather than begging mommy for money so you can buy the parts
how many times do we have to go over this ive payed for every thing on my quad.... but i dont have it any more. ive found better **** to spend the money on rather then these slow **** heaps.... ive got a car now.... rather spend money on my car then a slow ass yfm350.....your just mad cause you have the slowest quad on here, get over it....why dont you try doing something for your qua on your own, rather than begging mommy for money so you can buy the parts
yeah thats awsome...... ive payed for every thing...so dont start talking **** till you now the facts :-*well, with that 12 tooth front sprocket i bet hes got a bit of torque though. i agree though, everyone should pay for their own parts (and quads). it makes you appreciate it more!
rather speed money on my car then a slow ass yfm350.....wait till you get older and you'll understand...
same thing applys to a quad..... and if you wanted to you could always take your car to tracks......making it perform better only gives you more opportunities to have wrecks,
i never said n/e thing about drag racing and ur statement about cars crashing you could come around a corner and hit an on coming quad head on, or hit some one.... its the same dealI think drag racing cars is overrated, I tried it once and it was satisfying to beat some little punk's honda civic with my escort, but I still have more fun when I take the warrior to the drag strip.
The thing I don't like about making cars faster/driving them fast as opposed to making a quad faster is that if I wreck my quad into a tree I got hurt and it's my fault. But what if I came flying around a corner in my car and hit another car, or a person crossing/walking along the road? Then somebody else would have got hurt from my wrecklessness, and that's not a good feeling.
i think the whole point is, you are more likely to crash your car on the road, since there are more people on the road. yes you are right that you could come around a corner on a trail and hit another quad or person, but that is a chance you take. also, if you dont go flying through the trails (i know it may not sound like fun) it lessens the chance of this happening.
[quote:aoikpger]Hate to tell you this but your front wheel bearings are shot....
use your 2 eyes and read the thread maybe?Why are we talking about cars in a warrior forum?