Quad Problems (Backfiring Still)

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2010
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Im starting this thread in my last hope of finding a fix for my quad, ive been working on it and researching, bought a carb rebuild kit, and even bought a whole other carb.

The quad still leaks gas from the overflow on the carb, it has done this on 3 carbs now.

What else can cause this? i checked the float levels and seat and needle. the gas stops when i push the float up.

Im now smelling gas in the air box, what can cause this other than the carb?
nothing ehh? guess im gonna try to sell it and get something else it was a good quad till this mysterious problem
someone told me it might be my reeds? could that be possible and how hard are they to replace?
only 2stroke have reeds I don't know why yours is still doing it, I would think it would be in the carb.
ya i would think so too.. the last 2 though leaked out the overflow, and got rebuilt and the last one i just put on was just off a running warrior... im so clueless.
I guess you've made sure the bowl screw was turned all the way in and your gas was shut off right? Mine will drip like crazy if I don't shut off the gas.
Don't remember if it was discussed in the other thread, but have you made sure the tank is free of debris/gunk? Have you tried an inline fuel filter?

Maybe a long shot, but with the same issue crossing 3 different carbs (at least one of which was a known worker), I'm thinking that the problem might just be crap flowing in from the tank and plugging up the jets and float needle in short order.
maybe i will have to get a in line filter.. like it seems fine when its just sitting when the quad is off.. no leaks, no drips from the overflow, but about 2 minutues into riding the overflow drips and the quad stalls and dies. then i have to wait about 5 minutues for it to crank over and run like nothing happened again for another 2 min and the process repeats...

When i changed the float needle and seat i tested the float with my hand with the bowl off to see if the gas stops when the float is up, and it does, doesnt leak one single drop.
Might sound dumb, but your choke is ok on your carb right? You ride with it in at all times?
Got another UPDATE:

thought i had it fixed but nope.

I installed an inline fuel filter, cleaned the carb again, cleaned the tank, put fresh gas in it.

THe quad ran longer than usual, i was getting excited but it then proceeded to BACKFIRE and STALL

So frustrating....

It still drips a little bit of gas out the overflow but not nearly as much as it did last time. where should i go next?
someone told me a lot of black smoke came out too when it does

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