Questions About Adjustable Timing Cam Gear

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No not really the advatages of advanced timinging is that it fires before tdc and allows the gassed in the chamber to build up so that on the power stroke its already at full pressure and gives more power but if you advance it tomuch the pressure will increase tomuch and blow the piston apart and hurts a lot of stuff this is called predetination
The flywheel key and cam gear are two completely different things.

Key adjusts ignition timing only.
Gear adjusts cam timing and has nothing (well, very little) to do with detonation, or preigntion.

Read up on the terms "static compression" and "dynamic compression" if you want to really confuse yourself on how they relate to cam and ignition timing...

Unless you have yourself a max effort engine, don't worry about either one of these 2 items. Save your $$$ for something else.
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Other then stroke this is deff. A max out put engin I wish I could advance timing without touching the flywheel key I've sheared tons of them and the degree key is thiner the OEM that's why I don't trust them so both added at the same time would run sweet :evilface:
Ok so I read up on what you said and it seems to me like a hotter motor can run more cam advancing then a cold running motor and I still think I'm going to do both before the 2012 race season and before I do my motor build to run the 350cc class thanks for the info I just wish I knew how much was tomutch advance
So I've have tired both adjustable cam gear and timing key along with dynatek cdi box.

I've had no trouble with the timing key... I later took it out and installed the dynatek which honestly I don't really like.. Here is why. There is something with this programable ignition system that is screwed up compared to the stock. They remove the power to the coil at certain times.. Say you have the throttle wide open and coming up to what gear you want to be in and speed.. so you let off, all sudden it's like the engine shuts off, well it actually does. Then bam the cdi box turns back on.. it's a built into the box and can not be removed.. I talked to the dynatech, techs about this and no way to remove it. I really like the adjustable curve and rev limits. Even though I don't think it makes to much of a difference.

I also didn't like the key because I could never get the cam timing right with it.

The adjustable sprocket again is for fine tuning the power curve of the engine. It allows you to move the power curve to come on a little sooner or later by say 500-1000 rpm.

I also use the adjustable cam sprocket to get the cam timing back into spec after using thinner gaskets and decking the head.
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Ok so I read up on what you said and it seems to me like a hotter motor can run more cam advancing then a cold running motor and I still think I'm going to do both before the 2012 race season and before I do my motor build to run the 350cc class thanks for the info I just wish I knew how much was tomutch advance

No. Doesn't matter, hot or cold.

Advancing gives you more low end power and torque.
Retarding gives you more top end power.
No not really the advatages of advanced timinging is that it fires before tdc and allows the gassed in the chamber to build up so that on the power stroke its already at full pressure and gives more power but if you advance it tomuch the pressure will increase tomuch and blow the piston apart and hurts a lot of stuff this is called predetination

No. The reason for advancing the spark timing is to get peak cylinder pressure closer to at or a couple degrees little after TDC. Ignition timing is telling you how fast or slow the burn process is. So say in are case stock is like 33 degrees advanced at 4000 rpm. That is telling me that this head has a pretty slow burn rate and not very efficient. Now say we lower the deck height to around .040" with are high compression piston.. most likely are burn rate will speed up because you have more efficient combustion process with air and fuel being mixed more violently as the air fuel mixture is being squeezed tighter.

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