Slime - Good, Bad Amounts?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
New Holland,pa
Anyone use Slime in their tires? The instuctions give the same amount for riding mowers and ATVs. Talking to a friend he suggested doubling the amount recommended. Any experiences?
I've used it. Only ever put in the reccomended amount. Works fine. ALthough, I think that the white stuff it better.
I just put it in the 2 holeshots I got with the studs they had slow leaks but not anymore great product
I thought Fix a flat was for a temp fix while slime continues to work. I'll load the tires with it and see.
No, fix a flat is bad for tires! I've seen tires get eatin, literally, from that crap. Berryman prods used to make a white tire slime that I think works better and is more water soluable. Oregon (as in oregon bars and chains) makes some.
That's it. Don't get me wrong, the green slime works fine. But, I like that stuff best.
I would never use anything like that. It sucks having to replace a tire/wheel with that stuff all over it, it's such a pain. It just creates major turbulence inside the tire and throws it off at high speeds. Unless it's for an emergency, I suggest getting new tires....
I would never use anything like that. It sucks having to replace a tire/wheel with that stuff all over it, it's such a pain. It just creates major turbulence inside the tire and throws it off at high speeds. Unless it's for an emergency, I suggest getting new tires....

if you notice that at high speeds then obviously the trails you ride are too damn smooth I just put the slime in both my rear tires and it doesn't throw them off at all. And if it's put in right the slime stays on the tire not the rim so changing them shouldn't be bad at all
I have no clue what it'd be like on trails. I do know you can sure feel the vibrations when launching in sand and towards the end of a 300ft track...
I'd never use it in a car, It doesn't ruin tires or the rims, the rims only need a cleaning. Fix A Flat ruins tires, and I have seen it rust the rims or peal aluminum rims. They can't be aballanced either with fix a flat. I've had slim in several quads and have never felt shaking at high speeds. I think that the white stuff is better because it doesn't have the little rubber particals in it like the green does. The green is also thicker and heavier. Maybe that's why you felt a vib?

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