Swapping carb on 89 with dual cable mikuni.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, B.C.
I have a dual cable mikuni on my 89, and was thinking about swapping out my carb. Seems like a lot of guys are using the 'Zoom Zoom' carbs, and they seem to be decent? Did anyone have to swap out their throttle cables to use them? I'm guessing i could just order a cable from a newer bike to use, but just wanted to verify before I order something.

The throttle cable on your atv will work with the zoom zoom carb. You must remove the piece that is pressed in to the carb. It easy to do.
My zoom zoom carb had a stuck float and mixture screw was turned all the way in. Besides that I like my Zoom Zoom. I am going to install the stock carb and see if there is any difference is performance.
I replaced the carb to make getting this engine up and running without chasing problems related to the carb setting. Now that its up and running good I will change them out and see if the original carb works ok and how well compared to the zoom zoom.
My biggest issue's with the stock carb, I had no idea if someone rejetted it. Not knowing the stock jetting.
Sell your dual cable. Alot of people look for them. Buy yourself a 97+ single cable. Usually they are only $22 new
I have never seen one of these dual cables. But I have delt with these on airplanes. These cables go into a two-into-one cable on the airplanes I have worked on. I am sure its set up the same way on this.

I would do as the above post and remove this setup. You can pick up cables on e-bay on the cheap.
Sell your dual cable. Alot of people look for them. Buy yourself a 97+ single cable. Usually they are only $22 new

Are they worth keeping, the dual cable carbs? The quad started idling high the other day, and I haven't had the time to check if it's a carb problem, cracked intake boot, corroded cable, etc... But i figured, if it's the carb, I wanted to know what I would need.

I have never seen one of these dual cables. But I have delt with these on airplanes. These cables go into a two-into-one cable on the airplanes I have worked on. I am sure its set up the same way on this.

I would do as the above post and remove this setup. You can pick up cables on e-bay on the cheap.

Yeah, it has a single cable from the thumb throttle that goes into a box full of black magic and comes out with 2 cables that run into the carb. I've had the magic box apart before, it just has a Y that pulls the 2 cables equally. I just wasn't sure if the throttle-to-box cable would work with a different carb.

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