swing arm bolt

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do all of you guys think im F'ing retarted...........we have tryed that and i dont want to bust up the frame, and i dont have time for it
cuttin it out is not going to be easy thats an hour or so in itself. Grab a huge ass sledge and wack away, better off replacing a siwing arm bolt that the whole rear assembly, however if you need a swinger i can sell you one cheap. Its your call but i dont see how its giving you that much trouble.
i allreaddy have a black one im putting on, i just dont want to whack my frame getting the bolt out...is there any way to make sure that doesnt happen?...also i hae a new pivot bolt on the way cause the threads are allreaddy screwed
OK, here's the rundown:

That damn bolt is loose, spins around feely in the hole. Swingarm moves all over the place, up/down, side/side, now that the bushings are out of there.

We could cut through the swinger and bolt, but don't really want to destroy a perfectly good swinger.

We have tried penetrating oil, MAPP/Oxygen torch, A ballpean hammer, deadblow hammer, air hammer and 8lb sledge.

I have hit that ****** as hard as I dare with all of it. And that's pretty damn hard- almost knocked the bike off the jackstands.
I've beat the hell out of it so hard that the end of the bolt is mushroomed to the point it will probably have to be cut off to get through the hole.

That bolt should just slide out after the nut is removed, correct??
It's not threaded into the frame somewhere??
The objective is to cut through the bolt on both sides of the swingarm, via the small gap between the frame and the swinger. Then you don't ruin a perfectly good swingarm doing this. Cutting the bolt through the swingarm probably wouldn't help much anyways.

Your bolt is probably rusted and seized inside the pivot tube. The Pivot Works bearing kit comes with a new pivot tube, or you could buy another pivot tube from Yamaha, if you don't already have one to replace it. It should be replaced either way, if the bearings are bad then that tube is most likely torn up beyond recognition, and that's no good because it's a mating surface to the needle bearings.
we have gone through the fact that we arent cutting the ends off the swingarm pivot bolt, we are going to cut a section out of the mddle of the swing arm and yank it out......i have the bearing kit for it which comes with the tube and we have a pivot bolt on the way....im sure it is siezed in there just like everything else siezed on this thing.....i also have a new swing arm so we are all set and we know what we are doing we just need to know how this piece of crap comes off the rest of the machine of manifest
If we cut the head off the bolt, there is no guarantee it will move in that direction either.

I guess there's nothing to lose. I'm just tired of having to cut **** off this thing. I am sure this is a hardened bolt, which means it's gonna be a bitch to cut.
Hmm i never had a problem like that with mine, maybe its because i have removed it often... my suggestion to you is to put a grease fitting in the swinger so this doesnt happen again.
took me about an hour to get the bolt out. The bearings were fully gone (hardly any remains) - I had to grind and tap the remains left cause they were welded to the swingarm.

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