the three build(s) and stuff

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
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these are the three wars im going to re build,...........90',......95'.............97',im starting with the 95'took it completely apart and sprayed it with degreaser.She is almost ready to be power washed and then sand-blasted!while she is being sand-blasted i am halfway done with taking apart the 97' she will follow the same prosess.At the advisce from deadlast,i will make the 90' a stocker,......97' a hill-climber,and last but not least the 95' a beast(stoker motor) the 97' engine is being rebuilt by a friend who works for yamaha (dealership as a tech) web cam,wiesco piston,titanium not the mod guy but im learning and i will ask him for the specs to tell you guys.well thats all for now and here are some pics(hopefully)Nov 22,2010 build has begun!!!:atv:
Hey you guys and girls, just put my first youtube video up.............. check it out and give me all the help that you can........believe me i need it.I have all together about 3800.for all three builds together! I know its not alot but its gonna' have to work for the basics,atleast to get me well along on my way
HAH, site represent! Nice. Good start man. You need some more light in your work space. The 95 build will be bad ass when its all said and done. 446 is where its at. Id contact FST first on that build even though you said you got an engone being built right now. Perhaps put that one with the wiseco and webcam in the hillclimber, that gunna need some extra torque anyways. Hill climber also has to be pretty light and geared right. (got any hills in Philly anyways? hahahah) If the stocker is pulled off right it will look wicked, Super clean.
hell man! lovin it. on the 90' it'd be sweet to do a flat track racer... slam it to the ground and get some american racer tires. i have a set of 10x10 champion beadlocks if ur interested. on the 95 id say the 446 would be easier to do. you would have to fab up mounts for the 426 motor and figure out where to mount the radiator, im not sayin its impossible but yeah. i have a +3 lonestar swinger on mine and its awesome! but its def. harder to get the front end up.... the stocker will look sweet if done right. great start!
i think that the 426 hybrid is the way to go it stock is like 40 hp and the FST kit wont b that much power i had that on my warrior and you can buy a whole bike for like 1100 and the motor kit will b sum thing like that to and for that kit you have to do a case mod so it will fit in there ... if you text i will send you all of the pics you need to get the yz426 motor in your warrior just send me a message with your number
i think that the 426 hybrid is the way to go it stock is like 40 hp and the FST kit wont b that much power i had that on my warrior and you can buy a whole bike for like 1100 and the motor kit will b sum thing like that to and for that kit you have to do a case mod so it will fit in there ... if you text i will send you all of the pics you need to get the yz426 motor in your warrior just send me a message with your number

Why dont you do a thread on that with pics,give us all a look at it.
hell ya that would be sweet. i would like to do that to the monster once the 366 motor goes. or i have an extra frame i could start on....hmmm
yes,i am taking pics of two of them this weekend! and try to post the pics...............the 95' and the 90' are the ones i am focussing on right now.Deadlast told me to keep some of the modds off the 2001 and i did. the carb,a-arms, mags(front) air box and filter,it just saves me on the cost.....ya know.anyway thanks to you all for the inquieries........soon and very soo.Plus,i would like to stay four stroke all the way.and i've descided to stay with the warrior350 engine on them all............just different modds(unusual modds though!!!) you know,something different!pics will be up by 12/14/2010!!! of progress............

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