Too hot to ride!

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see now was that so hard??? for all I knew it could have been a ******* truck show with trucks that get trailered everywhere because the ***** got so much money tied up in them to make the so purdy they are afraid to drive the ******* things like they were meant to be driven
we do Mud Boggs here along with truck pulls tractor pulls and 4 cylinder snow sled engine lawn mower pulls and we even had a lawn mower a couple years ago with a V6 out of a dodge in it that son a bitch hauled ass down the track.
yep but the ones here have the fronts extended a few more feet
and the snow machine motored ones are deafening but fast as hell
yep but the ones here have the fronts extended a few more feet
and the snow machine motored ones are deafening but fast as hell
I love the sound of a badass triple. :evilface:
I so wanna to buy a new sled before the snow flies this year.
I have a line on a really clean 86' polaris 600 triple, I can get for next to nothing..

I love sledding. I used to have a 97' Bombardier 670 MXZ. It was an awesome sled, but the track was to short for mountain riding...
yeah I had a 92 ski doo 583 twin liquid cooled formula plus I got it for $200 with a blown piston come to find out they put too small of piston in the one cylinder so bored both jugs .040 over 2 new pistons rings threw it all together and man did she scream put 300 miles on her and sold it the next summer .
last winter was a no go for sleds here didn't have **** for snow that's why I'll stick with the quads the sleds are a dime a dozon here cause nobody wants them they get rode if your lucky 3 months out of the year and then they sit in storage the rest of the time waste of money IMO unless it's free or you live where there is snow most of the year
Night/evening riding didn't put these obnoxiously bright LEDs on for nothing lol.. Mind you it's prolly a little cooler north of the 49th :D

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Na most of yankee lake is hillbillies beating the **** out of their dds but were building a yankee specific vehicle and gonna tow it beccause im tired of being broke down on the side of the road at 2am
they never learn boy do I remember when I was the same way and when I think about it now I can't fathom all the stupid **** I did at that age.

so you just lost a friend and next video i see from you, theres people with no helmets............BRIILIANT........IDIOT!!!:loco:

Fyi we was just messin around it was 97 degrees and u try riding with a helmet plus we wasnt acting stupid also my friend james had a helmet on! he was the friend that bought everyone food and was awsome what the **** now he gone i try to move on but i dont leave 1gear when i ride
I got up at 7 am this mourning fired up the warrior went straight to the deep woods climbed a couple of hills run up an down the dried up creek bottom then right back into the garage an put a fan up against the motor , the temp here at noon was 97 by 3 oclock it hit 100! this is crazy insane weather.:loco:
we left yesterday around 3pm and rode (helmets on) and we finally got back home at 4:30am it went from 98 degrees at 3pm to 58 degrees after midnight and I was gonna bring my Carhart but thought it was gonna be to hot so just T shirts bad idea cold and damp and dustier than **** but it was fun as hell rode over 150 miles wanted to go further but no gas stations were open further down the line
It was a blast of a ride but my buddys 94 kept running great as **** and out of the blue die on and off most of the time I had to pull start his to get it started and then the last 9 miles his decided to die and not start even with a pull so I ended up pulling him back the the trailer the last 9 miles thank god I put my new clutch and heavy duty springs in the pryer week
come to find out in the time he tore his motor out and ordered all the new parts to rebuild the top end which was 3 weeks the stator went to hell so now he needs to get a new stator which for some reason a 94 stator costs more than my 02 stator stupid IMO. anyways the only problem I had with my 02 on the trip was the clutch cable popped out of the lever down on the motor (easy fix)the lock tab is broke off on my lever so I guess its bound to happen at times and I had my black box full of drinks ,tools,snacks,tow strap you know all the necessities.
Damn good fun as hell ride would have liked to go farther next time we are thinking of going from Rice Lake,WI all the way up to Ashland,WI which would be about a 300 mile round trip or more
Yamahauler, do you carry extra fuel or do you have extra large baja tanks?allways wondered what the mileage would be on a stock motor an stock gas tank.

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