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WTF?? if you are refering to me i never said i go 75. you did... get your **** striat before you run your mouth
thats what im thinking. i dont really think you can get 75 out of a warrior with an HMF exhaust and 12 tooth front sprocket, especially when (i believe) the warrior/raptor 350 is rated at 61 mph stock. i dont think exhaust and sprocket will get you a 14 mph gain, but i could be wrong. if you have some proof that you can do 75 on your raptor 350 with just exhaust and 12 tooth sprocket, i would like to see it. yamarider, you have a trailtech right? whats your top speed so far?

The last top speed run I did was a while back. My clutch may have been starting to slip, and I didn't have the opened up airbox or edelbrock yet. I got it up to about 67 then. I can't wait till I get up to Tower City again to see what it can do. By then i'll have a fresh top end with a high compression piston to add to the rest of my mods.

Here's where I do my speed runs (the 'turnpike' at Tower City)

This is an older pic, but the speck and dust cloud you can see coming around the corner is me when I still had the recon
by the way 06yfm350, what do you mean by "warriorlite"? from looking at your sig, it seems you only have a yoshi pipe and k&n, so why try to down my warrior. your raptor is the exact same quad with different plastics. have a little respect and try to be more polite when you tell someone what they have been told is wrong. people DO get (and give out) incorrect info. from time to time.

i meant warrior, as in your quad, and an ultralite as in the 1 person miniature plane. dont get all defensive and **** man, i never even called ur quad down.
i'd just go down the highway where i live to do my speed have an encounter with the 5-0 but nothing i cant loose them in the trails over
I'd have to ride at least a mile to get to a section of road that's level, and long enough to hit top speed. That's too big of a risk to get caught for me. I'd be screwed if I lost my drivers licence, especially over something stupid like riding on the road.
yea i got caught by the cops the other day riding on the side of the road but they let me go. i got lucky i guess ;D
They chased me about 4 times so far in the past 3 months.. never got "caught" yet.. i think they're getting mad at me too.. i live in a town of about 3000 people lol..
better hope the dont "cought" you.... charges will be harsh... failing to stop for a police officer
[quote:5qmkeksj]by the way 06yfm350, what do you mean by "warriorlite"? from looking at your sig, it seems you only have a yoshi pipe and k&n, so why try to down my warrior. your raptor is the exact same quad with different plastics. have a little respect and try to be more polite when you tell someone what they have been told is wrong. people DO get (and give out) incorrect info. from time to time.

i meant warrior, as in your quad, and an ultralite as in the 1 person miniature plane. dont get all defensive and **** man, i never even called ur quad down.[/quote:5qmkeksj]
right on, i see what you meant now 06yfm. xking, you did say you go 75 all the time. you obviously were being sarcastic, so grow up and mean what you say. and i didnt say i would be going 75, i said i may not sure if its possible, but might. i got the trailtech in, so ill have to see what she can do.
hey yamarider, is that paved or gravel? cant really tell in the picture. how safe is that road with that curve in it? ever come up on cars?
Tower City is made up of decommissioned coal mines, so that is actually a trail/road for mining equipment that is made up of small pieces of coal, so it's like a fine gravel road, just blacker. It's packed down pretty good so you don't lose any speed from it, and the traction is great. The turn is wide and gradual enough that you can hit it full speed without even leaning into the corner. It's about 2 miles long and that wide or wider all the way! And it's atv/dirtbikes only, so I don't have to worry about traffic on it.
ok right on. it sort of looked like pavement in the pictue. ive got a nice long straight piece of road out by our land (dont know how long it is) that i can go do a high-speed run on. just hope the neighbors dont get pissed. oh well.

i meant warrior, as in your quad, and an ultralite as in the 1 person miniature plane. dont get all defensive and **** man, i never even called ur quad down.
right on, i see what you meant now 06yfm. xking, you did say you go 75 all the time. you obviously were being sarcastic, so grow up and mean what you say. and i didnt say i would be going 75, i said i may not sure if its possible, but might. i got the trailtech in, so ill have to see what she can do. [/quote:fhiqi2m0] wow.... you are the gulliblest (if thats even a word) 21 year old i have ever heard of.... smoking a little to much crack with your black buddies??
xking, are you trying to make a racist comment? are you trying to say that all black people smoke crack? of course i know you are just trying to make fun of me, so dont think i am the "gulliblest" (or most gullible if you had paid attention in your middle/high school english classes) person you have heard of. why dont you think before you type (or speak) and maybe your "karma" rating wouldnt be so low. (like that thing even matters anyway, but its obviously a reflection of your attitude on this forum). seriously, i have worked with mentally handicapped people (no, not your parents) that have better manners than you. now i know you will probably try to come back with some smart-ass comment, but lets just leave it at this (since its probably past your bed time anyway). i dont want to argue with you anymore, so lets just drop this, like i tried to do when i admitted i received incorrect information on the first page of this thread. just leave it at that.
and where do you all live that cops ride around on quads? never really heard of that except maybe in national forests like mark twain and stuff. wouldnt mind being a cop if i could ride a quad all day.

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