Thanks all
Looks good. I definitely wouldn't have drilled holes in the frame though, warrior frames are easy enough to bend without weakening them.
wow good the barbed's are the peice that fit on the oil cooler..correct???...would you recomend braided steel line....then you dont have to worry about wht you just fixed.....but wht kind of heat am i dealing with so when i go to a store they can help me out???
Wouldn't a sid plate and some nerfs help protect those lines as well? I have the Pro-Aluminum skid and PRM side bars on mine and they look like they would keep just about anything from getting to the lines. Course I gotta get the bike back up and running in order to find out. Almost done with it though. ;D YAY!
anyone ever get water into the oil from the Big Bear set up?? I was thinking of putting one on my bike, but I do a lot of stream crossing and mud holes. Yamarider's recent incedent definatley has me thinking of just not getting one now too.
[quote:do6uuyxk]anyone ever get water into the oil from the Big Bear set up?? I was thinking of putting one on my bike, but I do a lot of stream crossing and mud holes. Yamarider's recent incedent definatley has me thinking of just not getting one now too.