What did you do to your quad today?

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Last friday removed the pull start off the 87 and used the cover off the 99, Monday drained the oil to get it ready for vitos key installation have to find someone with a flywheel puller or take it to a shop since my puller stripped.
Looked at it, checked cdi connectons again, scratched my head, and gave up till i get some money rolling !!
lets see where to start put new exhaust on changed oil changed air filter changed brakes and rode in the woods and creeks at my neighbors o did a swing arm rebuild also
^^^Good stuff! Nothing like the feeling of new things on the quads! :D

A couple of my friends got stuck in creeks at my property here the other day after the rain. It was all fun pulling them out.

Oh yeah:

Beware of the shorty fuel tank exhaust hoses from ebay that come from China. Most of them will not pass air through them and will cause your carb to overflow and leak bad!!! We found this out the other day when I gave out a couple of them to my buddies before we went trailing. Mine is good, but they are cheap for a reason!!! One of them started some serious pressure buildup!
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Well, over the last 2 weeks..

I relocated all electronics including battery
shortened and race cut the wring harness.
changed cam to a white brothers 1905 over the 252x1 I had in it.
installed the custom experimental rocker arms.
Tuned carb.
built and installed torque wing.
set front suspension.

I think thats about it.
Removed stock air filter and installed a pod filter directly to the carb, rejetted 150 main and reemed pilot, cut stock air box to be a sheild for new filter setup. The mechanic at the shop asked why i had a valve cap in the carb so i had to explain it haha
Got to the track for my race quad ran good to the starting line all untill the actual start. Jetting was to rich for the elev. and quad sputtered and didnt make any power, barely made it a lap so i decided to call it a day before i got mad and tried to blow it up. First DNF on the quad and my third in all my years of racing. Unloaded the quad at home started it up and runs great. Next race im going out to do testing so i dont have this issue again with the elev. changes.
Puttin on 5" spacers on all fours today, slapping on a new chain guard, cuttin the fenders, and putting on new seat cover. Hope I have enough time!
went for a ride down Mud Run yesterday that was a lot of fun except for the round fuse holder didn't want to keep together so the bike kept dieing.
Fixed my rear hub again, adjusted chain, helped a friend put a 14t sprocket on his 2004 raptor 350 and went riding.
Third hot run on the third mtr not boostin this one just 10.25 piston no base gskt .010 off the head a little port work (clean up ) and a vitos key and mega 415 cam.
Ill post pics of the fenders when I'm done. YouTube Yamaha warrior 366.. He's also a yfm350 member.lol. That's what I'm shootin for

here is mine with cut fenders



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