What did you do to your quad today?

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Been there and done that,, i have two warriors and i started wanting to be elite then decided certain things i dont want on mine so never elite for me!!!
Not sure. I just figured being elite meant that you put the time in to make your quad the best of the best.
Well I lied. I did do something to my quad now. I snapped exhaust stud off the other day and I made it my B. I drilled and tapped and put a 8mm 1.25 exhaust stud in. I don't know why they put tiny 6mm studs in.
I'm thinking about doing the other one but I've learned to leave well enough alone lol
I really need to do this. But im to lazy to haha

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Same here bro,, mine arent broke yet so im not touching them!!! And for the mod list to be elite you basicaly have to have changed most of everything on the bike.... Valves, piston, exhaust, axle, suspension, and dont forget all the average mods too, yfz calipers, carb cap mod or newer carb, oil cooler mod etc..Like i said some things i dont wanna change on my bike!!!
I'll have pretty much all the above except motor stuff. Don't know anything about internal stuff with engines. :-/ Anyways back to what did you do to your quad today. Had hell but finally got swing arm bearings out. That was worse than getting the bolt out.
Took factory axle out of hub. Tusk axle will be here tomorrow :)
You mean you can't nominate yourself? lmao

I thought you could I was informed I was mistaken. You just ask a mod they take a look at your build sheet and pics than I believe they vote if they agree than the site users have final vote. That's my understanding of how it works
I thought you could I was informed I was mistaken. You just ask a mod they take a look at your build sheet and pics than I believe they vote if they agree than the site users have final vote. That's my understanding of how it works

You would be correct
Well lets see,,,,, today i went out to the shed to fireup my kerosene heater cuz its ******* freezing and run my drop cord from the house to the shed for power. Found the heater was empty so i went to fill it up and spilled kerosene all over the place:eek:. I let that sit for alittle while and went to plug up my little battery charger to hookup to my 88s dead battery and after switching it on i went to switch the charge from 2amp to 10 and something happend and lost power so i walked up to the house to check the dropcord and it was still plugged in so i went inside to check the brakers and yep the ****** tripped. So i went to switch it back over and it wouldnt so i thought **** i gotta go and get a new one, so i got ready to drive to the hardware store and thought let me try it once more for ***** and giggles and yep it worked:tup: so now i have power again so i went back to the shed and fired up the heater and turned on the battery charger, closed the door and went back up too the house for alittle while. 30 mins and back to the shed i went, it was alittle warmer so i decided to get to work, i got some used skid plates from Jeff(thanks jeff) for cheap:tup: so i went and installed the rear but im still freezing at that point and thought ok ill test spark on my 88 cuz last weekend i couldnt get it to start at all and i just new the stator died, BUT after about 2 tries it fired up yea:nanner:!!! so i let it run alittle and goosed it some to clear her throat:slayer: and i thought ill go back to the 01 and install the frame skid, now its finally getting alittle warm but i get a text from the wife saying lunch was ready so i went up to the house and sat down and ate.... Then i decided its just to damn cold so i went and cut everything back off and came inside for a nap!! So in short i didnt get **** done but freezing....:tdown:

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