what would it take?

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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I can tell you right now you 100 without N2o and a Warrior based motor......
Uhh... no...
With 16/36/20, lowered to the ground, 125lb rider, and a ton of air, I hit 65mph...
No. Your wrong. No way is that possible. With 12/38. I can pull 9,000rpm on my tach easy. With 16/36, it would only be 7,000...
I ran the numbers at 8000 rpm with 16/36 gearing and with the final drive gear ratio with 22s it should run 254.689 but I dought it will get that high or hold it so that beggs the question how big of a motor will it take to push it that far?
You wouldnt be running 8,000rpm, try more like 7000 or less on motor...
Ya lol no wind like a wind up toy lol 97 that was just me thinking "IF" I could get it that hi wound how fast would it go? calculations I havnt figured out how fast it has to turn to get 120 yet
Stock motor ya but this isnt going to be a stock motor it will be purpase built and only haveto make 2 passes to make me happy
I want it to be std bore and stoke if possible 13.5:1 comp costom 4 valve head and a heavyer flywheel and p&p for sure unknown on the rest deff gonna stretch it to make it more stable at speed

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