What's with all the Warrior hate???

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
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This is something I've noticed for some time, and after a recent Google search, It became VERY apparent our beloved Warrior is a HATED machine.

Me, I've always been drawn to the Warrior. I have, and have had other quads, but when the time came for me to buy a quad, I bought a Warrior. Now I might add I'm 36-37 years old, so maybe I'm just a FUDD or an old-schooler, but I have had my share of fun and speed, and one thing I can guarantee is, no matter how fast you think you are, someone is always faster. So how much and how long, will you try to keep up. I think dollar for dollar, the Warrior is your best bang for the buck in MOST applications.
So, when spending MY money, I wanted a proven product. After selling off a 2000 Warrior, I regretted it, and wanted another. I looked long and hard at the KFX and Predator, and while they are wicked fast, good jumpers, there is just something about the Warrior I liked, enough to make me walk away from the other 2.

I assume alot of the hate comes from the younger generation(pre-warrior), some comes from hard-core racers, and the rest is just ignorance.

Sure, the ergos aren't the best, the technology is "old school", and they aren't the fastest on the track, but Got Damn they are reliable(boringly I may add).
When my brother(LTZ400), a friend(660r) and I were raping a buddies track, we were all hanging in together. I was at the back of the pack, because I joined late, but as long as we were twisting and turning, they weren't gaining ground. Now, in the straight aways I have no real chance against the 660r, but again, the LTZ wasn't killing me.
Now, we get into the gnarly ****, cutting thru the woods, climbing hills and creeksides, this old Warrior really shines(like it was meant to). Sure from time to time, I'd like to have a Predator, but there size and lack of reverse(in most models I am seeing) is a deal breaker. Add to that the headaches of liquid cooling, and the LTZ and Predators lose some magic. I'm a big an of K.I.S.S.(keep it simple stupid) and more and more bikes are going away from this theory.

Me, I'm glad to have this "warthog"(as my brother calls it), and a forum to talk about them. Most of my friends ride 700's and Banshees, and as Yamaha guys go, the respect the Warrior. Just think it's sad that so many people **** on such a good bike.

So to the mods and owner/s of the site, thanks for the good hard work, and for giving us a bit of sanctuary from the rest of the shitheads out there.:tup:
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1st quad I ever rode was a moto4 200cc 1st sport quad was a 87 warrior and I've loved them since then. Alot talk crap cause they have a faster quad, well good for them when they break down and I pass them I laugh. Warrior is the most popular quad of all time, yes it is dated but when you make something right stick with it and that is what Yamaha did. Besides to me all the new quads look the same
Good speech man. And I agree, with 2 warriors that I could trade for one faster. I won't, cause the original one has never let me down.
1st quad I ever rode was a moto4 200cc 1st sport quad was a 87 warrior and I've loved them since then. Alot talk crap cause they have a faster quad, well good for them when they break down and I pass them I laugh....................

Case in point, last week my bro's LTZ was making a gurgling sound after a half hour. He realized his fan wasn't coming on. He thought it was a temp sensor, but when power was applied, the fan had **** the bed.
NOW, this is such a common problem, that the P.O. had purchased a second fan. Bro' put it on, and still NOTHING. Sensor was fried as well. Now it's wired 12v hot.
Had he not had this 2nd fan he'd be S.O.L. And guess what? It's a special ordered part.

And as far as looks go...Back when the 88-92 Mustangs were popular, we used to refer to them as "*******" cars, because everyone and their brother had one. Every where you look you see a MODDED 400ex, Raptor or LTZ/KFX and the Arctic Cat off-shoot. None are original, and they all look alike. To me, the Warrior has personality and moxie. It's been around since dirt. I personally like the Baja Styling(actually everyone I know loves the looks). And I dig the low-end.

Oh well, like they say..."different strokes for different folks"...
Very well put. Im very new to warriors. ive aways had blasters. i got my warrior a few months ago and i like how reliable this machine is. plus i only weigh 145 lbs so this thing hauls thu the woods. and the revers makes things alot easier on the tight trails.so haters can keep hatin!! im gonna keep ridin:atv:
Very well put. Im very new to warriors. ive aways had blasters. i got my warrior a few months ago and i like how reliable this machine is. plus i only weigh 145 lbs so this thing hauls thu the woods. and the revers makes things alot easier on the tight trails.so haters can keep hatin!! im gonna keep ridin:atv:
Exactly with a few simple mods we can take the same trails at the same speed on a quad we paid half as much for. If you got the coin, you can even keep up with a few in speed.
LOL!!! :evilface: SUBMIT TO THE DARK-SIDE!!! :haha: just teasing, i loved my Warriors very much, but it was very limited on overall performance in race situations, but it was one of the most dependable machines, almost indestructable!
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haha, i pulled my cousins new off the floor 08 450r out of the woods with mine the 3rd week he had it. it didn't break down, but he did wreck it. i still talk junk to him about it lol.
Sometimes keeping it simple is the best damn way to go!! First quad i had was a 250 timberwolf that my mom still rides. The first time i rode a friends warrior back in high school i was hooked! they fit me perfect and there just the right speed so i cant get myself killed.
im a huge yamaha fan my first quad i ever drive wwas my dads 87 ish moto 4 350. now i got the warrior bullet proof motor. my dad has a polaris 500 ho. my quad walks the 500 and i gead mnine so its more bottom end. and a nother buddy of mine has the ltz 400 and i keep up in the woods with him no problem
Everything you just wrote make me smile, a good smile. I'm in the same boat as you man. Just some people, once you get on them your hooked and it turns into an addiction. Every other quad owner (with some exceptions) seems like its just a toy for them. For us warriors, its a life style. All my buds wheel "fast quads" (and i stay right on there ass, out climb most of them too). I've had a many chances to get other quads too, but the warrior just feels right. Its the all around perfect ATV. My friends don't get me, buy you guys all do and it makes it all the better!

But where are you reading that its VERY HATED? I know some people have outgrown it and moved on but for the most part I think almost every offroader respects the warrior. How can you not!
i fell like most the hate comes from people with 300 and 400 ex's my dads got the original trx 250x which is the same as thecurrent 300ex, sure its got two mour valves, but that about it, supension is very lacking, and the thing is so tippy, where i havent rolled my warrior once, i rode that one day and ended up flipping it twice and needing new bars new sprockets chain and put small hole int he crank case. real strong
rolled my warrior one time it rolled 5times on its side landed back on the wheels, it took about 10 longer to start it up then normal, bent the handlebars and stem(slightly). That was it. most quads would have had ALOT more damage
All the people at the tracks and the dunes see me and my buddys warriors and laugh and point but when we landed 1 off the podium!! And we out jumped and out rode everything except on kid on a kx 450 at the dunes (that kid was crazy +90ft on a 60 ft jump)
But where are you reading that its VERY HATED? I know some people have outgrown it and moved on but for the most part I think almost every offroader respects the warrior. How can you not!

I had Googled Yamaha Warrior 350, and was checking google shopping for parts. I happened to click on ATV Connections, Bluetraxx, and another site, and it seemed that everytime the Warrior was brought up, or questioned, there were plenty of people to rag it.
i dunno why people hate on the warrior either.. every time i broke down it was because of my own fault ( didn't put the crush washer on the front sprocket..DOH!) or something that could be fixed right on the trail with a 10mm or 12mm wrench..(that conveniently fits under the seat)

its fun to ride, it fits bigger people (6 3 225) and keeps up with anyone in the trails and most on the track..

I think people hate on it because its so reliable its boring and people don't like boring because it does not get noticed..

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