Well-Known Member
Plymoth Horizon. ANY Ford exploder. How many have you worked on this year James? lol. I can remember atleast a dozen.
dude the 2nd gen explorers are where its at especially with the 5.0 thats wht I have lol
1981 Cadillac Fleetwood V-8-6-4
These days, cylinder deactivation, or variable displacement, is relatively common — the 2008 Honda Accord V6 has it, for instance. And it's a beautiful idea. When the engine is running at light loads, it's logical to shut down unneeded cylinders to save fuel, like turning off lights in unused rooms. But in 1981, when semiconductors and on-board computers were still in their infancy, variable displacement was a huge technical challenge. GM deserves credit for trying, but the V-8-6-4 was the Titanic of engine programs. The cars jerked, bucked, stalled, made rude noises and generally misbehaved until wild-eyed owners took the cars to have the system disconnected. For some it was the last time they ever saw the inside of a Cadillac dealership.
excluding any jeepMost all the cars from the mid 70's to the late 80's sucked balls! All the emissions ******** they tried just made them all hunks of ****. About the only good cars from that time was the TBI Caprice, Buick Grand National, a maybe a handfull of others. Matter of fact the K car is still on the road today. There are a bunch of them around here. Who'da thunk it?
88, where its at on the worst car in history list? im thinking any ford explorer is up there lol
My blazers 4wd system:argh: