Wring worms

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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Anyone ever have one before? I noticed a small red circle on my upper rigth chest and figured it was just an allergic reaction to something. While playing mx vs atv unleashed, I started thingking, " man, this **** hasnt gone away in over a week, Holy ****, maybe its a ringworm!" and as soon as I thought ring worm my arm is hurting haha. What do they do to ya, shot? pills? I wont lookse sight in my rigth eye or noithing from having one in me for so long will i?
lol your not going to die..........YET................no i would tell your parents and go to a doctor, or email a doctor or something
your gonna die

you SON OF A BITCH lmao i was gonna say it when i first read his post then i read urs and just died... lol
and what does it look like?
eh its contagious and will spread so go to the doctor, they'll give you some stuff to get ridda of it, ring worms a big deal in wrestling, thank god i never got it. Or if your really don't wanna go to the doctor try that lotrimun af stuff, says its for ringworm, but personally id go to the doctor and get in takek care of right away.
eh its contagious and will spread so go to the doctor, they'll give you some stuff to get ridda of it, ring worms a big deal in wrestling, thank god i never got it. Or if your really don't wanna go to the doctor try that lotrimun af stuff, says its for ringworm, but personally id go to the doctor and get in takek care of right away.
Is it contagious by touch? I have had this thing for abotu a week and wrestlin practice friday, mondy, and today.
Do not go to the doctor they will cut you open and pull the damn bastards out with tweezers!!!!! LOL J/K.

Ring worm is actually just a fungus (Tinea).

It is contagious but not highly contagious. Close contact such as wrestling can spread it, but casual contact will normally not. The most common way of getting ringworm is through pets, mainly cats.

Chad is right, Lotrimin AF will work or just call your doctor and they will more than likely just call you in some Lamisil or similar prescription.

Maybe I better rephrase that before I get into trouble. How about I am married to one... ;)
[quote:jt3mfa9t]eh its contagious and will spread so go to the doctor, they'll give you some stuff to get ridda of it, ring worms a big deal in wrestling, thank god i never got it. Or if your really don't wanna go to the doctor try that lotrimun af stuff, says its for ringworm, but personally id go to the doctor and get in takek care of right away.
Is it contagious by touch? I have had this thing for abotu a week and wrestlin practice friday, mondy, and today.[/quote:jt3mfa9t]
yes it is, and just have your coach look at it and I'm sure they'll be able to determine if it is or not, and kinda for a heads up to them, seein that it is contagious
lmao short funny story. When I was in 6th grade I think I had an allergic reaction to something(probably school lunch) and got little rings all over my arms and legs and the nurses are De-de-de's and thought it was ringworm(which is yes contagious as some of you have said) but I guess for my school your not allowed to come if you have it w00t so the nurses in all their stupidity sent me home thinking that it was ringworm so I go home and my mom rushes me to the doctors and they see me right away and they examine me and start laughing and told me how stupid the nurses are and that I'm fine lol.
So that's my story but if I was you I wouldn't wrestle. I wrestle too and my coach would be PISSED if I wrestled with something contagious and spread it to the team cause it would spread like the Black Plague or something lol. Off topic but what weight class do you wrestle?
I wrestle 175 weight. Nothing too big lol. I was playin foot ball after school today and I made sure to hit the kids I didnt like much extra hard with the side of my body with the ring worm hehe

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