Well-Known Member
Lol I wrestle 135 what do you plan on doing bout the Ring Worm?
Well i went to the soctor today and they gave me some cream thing, they said it should be gone in 2 weeks.Lol I wrestle 135 what do you plan on doing bout the Ring Worm?
Haha that sucks man, whenever they use the caf. for testing or some ****, we have to do practice in the actual gym, and they dont like runnin the ac in their so it gets pretty hot.You guys are lucky to be able to practice in a big wide open gym. Our gyms consists of the actual gym, an auxilary gym and our wrestling room. Our wrestling room is f-ing hot! We pray for days that we run hallways and what not just to get out of that room. Oh ya, I wrestle at 119 lbs.