Alba Action Raptor

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I have one of the trailtechs. They work good, I really don't use it as much as I thought I would though. I like it because it will hold your maximum speed so you don't kill yourself because you're staring down at the speedometer when you're maxxed out, and has an odometer/tripmeter which is nice when you're using a map. Odometer is also nice for keeping up with maintainance, it's hard to believe that I put over 3,000 miles on it since I bought it.
yeah, i have a trailtech as well and i like it too. it was pretty easy to install as well. hardest part was getting one of the bolt things out of the rotor mount. that thing was in there really good! like yamarider said, its good for maintainance as well. can set reminders for oil change and for service. can also use it on 2 different bikes as well. if you want to keep track of your mileage and hours its worth the money imo.
yea thats what i really want it for is to keep up whit my mileage in hour's in stuff...right now i have a bout 240 mile's on my 04 raptor...
would mine be elite if i had a graphics kit^^^^^^^^^...i have a hell of alot more parts too.......not bashing on ya looks good but im just saying
yea i see what ur sayin, its more show than it is go right now. Thats cuz i've only had it a few months and i didnt get a single dollar from my parents or sponsors to pay for any of it. Also I'm not the greatest mechanic so i cant really do any engine mods by myself. But thats a big reason i wanted to get on this site, to gain some info on how to get more power out my machine. So if anyone has some advice feel free to post till your fingers bleed.... P.S If the elite section was based on looks tho i think i'd def. be in there. That may be a biased opinion tho.
i got my trailtech at a local shop, so it might have been a little more than rockymountain atv, but i like to support my local shop and it wasnt much more, so i was happy to do it. $70 isnt a bad price. you could shell out more for the billet mount too if you want, but the clamp mount that came in the kit worked just fine.
...But thats a big reason i wanted to get on this site, to gain some info on how to get more power out my machine. So if anyone has some advice feel free to post till your fingers bleed.....

That's what we're here for!! ;D
Also I'm not the greatest mechanic so i cant really do any engine mods by myself. But thats a big reason i wanted to get on this site, to gain some info on how to get more power out my machine.
alba350, if you want more power out of your quad, IMO you should take it to a shop and have cam and high compression piston done. i dont know what everyone else's opinion on pistons and cams are, but i went with the wiseco piston and hotcams cam. exhaust is good too, but it looks like you have a gyt-r exhaust. anyone know if those make a good amount of power? umm lets see, flatslide carb, ignition, and dyno tuning would all help too. i guess it just depends on what you want to ride. if you ride trails and woods like me, you want more low end power and torque for pullin up hills and stuff. i dont really know how to set up for racing since i dont race, but im sure someone else on here would know. i understand the whole funds issue. im a college student and i pay for everything on my quad, as well as the payments on my warrior and 300ex. (i know its a honda, but it was cheap!) only reason i got the motor build done was because i had extra money left over from my financial aid for spring semester. glad to see someone else on here paying for their own quad. well, keep saving your pennies and build that thing up. btw, i like the pro taper bars. look like mine, but mine are silver. what bend are yours?
I think i'll probably ride it the way it is for another 6 months or year and then trade it in for a Raptor700R. I want a machine that I'm somewhat afraid of. Its a great quad but but probably not worth it to me to spend 1000's on. Might as well get the 700 and mod that! ... Not sure what bend the pro tapers are, i think high.
Damn, that sure is a sweet Raptor 350 you got there! Great Job! So what is your top Speed on that Badboy. I also have a 05' Raptor 350 with a GYT-R Exhaust, GYT-R Jet Kit, K&N filter w/ Outerwears, Airbox lid removed, and i know I go pretty damn fast but dont know exactly how fast I'm going. I'm thinking around 65-75 mph's. Have you clocked your top speed yet?? Your Bike Looks Sweet as Hell. One of the nicest I've seen!~Raskal
i dont think it will do 75mph with exhaust, intake, and jetting. stock top speed is about 60mph. here's a site that gives speeds in each gear and top speeds. .htm
just copy the whole link (through atvtopspeeds.htm) and paste it to your browser.

i thought i would be doing about 70-75mph after the piston, cam, and new exhaust, but as of yet i have not topped it out. not completely sure what the top speed of it is now, but when i can get a good straight run with it, ill let you know what the trailtech says. anyway, i dont think you would/could gain 10-15mph with those mods, but i could be proven wrong (but dont think i will be). by the way, yamarider, what size are your front tires and what number did you put into your trailtech for the initial setting for size (in order for it to calculate the speed)?
i dont think it will do 75mph with exhaust, intake, and jetting. stock top speed is about 60mph. here's a site that gives speeds in each gear and top speeds. .htm
just copy the whole link (through atvtopspeeds.htm) and paste it to your browser.

i thought i would be doing about 70-75mph after the piston, cam, and new exhaust, but as of yet i have not topped it out. not completely sure what the top speed of it is now, but when i can get a good straight run with it, ill let you know what the trailtech says. anyway, i dont think you would/could gain 10-15mph with those mods, but i could be proven wrong (but dont think i will be).

Well, I really never new what top speed was for the 05' Rappy 350 but i know since i got My exhaust and jetted it and removed the airbox lid, it goes quite a bit faster. So I'm prolly going around 65-68 then i would guess. I was going down the Street earlier today and i was flying. I wish i had one of those Trailtechs. So would you say My top speed is around 65-68 MpH's then. Thats Prolly around what i was going. I had to be going more than 60! Thanks! ~Raskal
My front tires are 22-8-10. I have no idea what number I programmed into the trailtech, it was at least 3 years ago. I don't know if there's a way to go back and check that number or not, and who knows what happened to my manual. If you can find a way to go back and check that number let me know, and i'll try to find out for you.
Hey rascal, if you really want to find your top speed you can get a digital speedometer for a bicycle and use that just like a trailtech, you will just have to do a tiny bit of rigging to get it to work, just gluing a magnet to the inside of the wheel, a couple zip ties for the sensor, and possibly adding a foot or two of wire to the sensor's cable. Easy stuff, and it'll cost about $10 for the speedometer, the response time just won't be as quick as the trailtech, it'll take about one second for your speed to refresh.
Hey rascal, if you really want to find your top speed you can get a digital speedometer for a bicycle and use that just like a trailtech, you will just have to do a tiny bit of rigging to get it to work, just gluing a magnet to the inside of the wheel, a couple zip ties for the sensor, and possibly adding a foot or two of wire to the sensor's cable. Easy stuff, and it'll cost about $10 for the speedometer, the response time just won't be as quick as the trailtech, it'll take about one second for your speed to refresh.
Hey thanks Bro, I might just do that! By the way, I just looked at your pics! You have a Very Nice lookin Warrior!! I wish i would haven gotten a white Rappy instead of the Basic Yamaha Blue! Thanks for your help! ~Raskal
i honestly couldnt say what your top speed would be now. im not sure if you would get that much of a jump with those mods, but i could be wrong. ill get a top speed on mine sometime and let you know. i know mine is quite faster now with the stuff i had done, but it boosted my hp a good amount! all in all, i dont think top speed really matters unless you are drag racing. even on mx tracks i wouldnt think you would get into 6th gear and probably wouldnt get above 4th or 5th riding trails and woods. see if you can rig up the bike speedo or get a trailtech and see what you get. id be interested to know.

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