Alba Action Raptor

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By the way, I just looked at your pics! You have a Very Nice lookin Warrior!!

Thanks man, I appreciate it! Maybe sometime i'll be able to get some pics up with my black/silver powermadds and the prm grab bar, my pictures can't keep up with my mod list these days.
I'm not sure if i have mine calibrated 100% accurate, i just put in the standard number the book provided for atvs. My top speed was 68 but my average top speed is more like 62-65. Theres a lot of factors that go into it such as how long a straightaway u have, wind and of course how well u have ur quad running. Oh and raskal, I think u could make the blue raptor look baddass. Go with a blue and white theme looks very strong and you'll be able to find a lot of accesories to match cuz its yamahas colors.
okay, well your speed is probably off. what size is your front tire? mine are 23 inch, so you have to convert that into mm, then multiply by 3.14 and put that number into the wheel size. mine came out to be about 1834. if you need help converting between inches and mm, here is a site that will do it for you. i could maybe see 62-65mph, but not 68. might not be calibrated right, but may be right. who knows. i thought about seeing if a cop would clock me with a radar gun, but i dont think i would be able to find any cops that would be willing to do that and not give me a ticket afterward!
okay, just figured out that the standard measurement given in the trailtech "quick start" manual is for a 21 inch tire, so you may be right (if your front tires are 21 inch).
Well with the 68 i also had optimum conditions, bike running well wind on my back and a long ass straightaway
Damn, 68 mph's! Thats fast. That sounds about right though. Imagine eating it on the Asphalt at that speed! Ouch! I will be looking for some new graphics to put on my 350 real soon! ~Raskal
right on. i will probably be riding thursday or working on my tabletop, but either way ill try to get a top speed recorded. later
yea i got 21 in tires so i guess its right. Raskal what size main jet are u running?
The paper work from the dealer said 22.5 Pilot and 55 Main. I dont really know what those Numbers mean cuz I'm new to riding quads, I've only been riding for around 2 months now. The dealer i went to is around 1100 ft above sea level where he jetted it and i ride around 2800-3000 ft above sea level and it seems like the guy that jetted it really new what he was doing cuz it seems a hell of alot quicker than it was before! ~Raskal
I think u mean 155 main cuz 142 is stock mine is 170 and i need to lower it cuz its too rich. I'll give u a crash course in jetting - The carbs job is to mix air and fuel at the right ratio to feed the engine. The main jet is basically a screw with a hole in the middle that lets gas get in. So when u changed ur filter and too off the airbox lid, u increased the amount of air getting to the carb so u need a bigger jet to equal out the ratio. When i say mines too rich that means too much gas, too lean means too much air. U can diagnose this by taking out ur spark plug and checking the color of the end that goes in the engine. If its all black - Rich white - Lean You want it to be light brown. I f u want any more info on that i'll be glad to share anything I know or I'll look for some good sites for u to check out.
I think u mean 155 main cuz 142 is stock mine is 170 and i need to lower it cuz its too rich. I'll give u a crash course in jetting - The carbs job is to mix air and fuel at the right ratio to feed the engine. The main jet is basically a screw with a hole in the middle that lets gas get in. So when u changed ur filter and too off the airbox lid, u increased the amount of air getting to the carb so u need a bigger jet to equal out the ratio. When i say mines too rich that means too much gas, too lean means too much air. U can diagnose this by taking out ur spark plug and checking the color of the end that goes in the engine. If its all black - Rich white - Lean You want it to be light brown. I f u want any more info on that i'll be glad to share anything I know or I'll look for some good sites for u to check out.
Kool thanks bro! I checked again and the paperwork says 55 main but i think he meant to write 155. Heres a shot of my Rappy! Its Just Basic!~Raskal

nice quad. good explaination of carbs and jetting. just remember, you DONT want to be lean. rich is much safer! a really good way to get your jetting done is to have it dyno tuned with air/fuel ratio sensor (by someone trained to run the dyno and do jetting). thats how i had mine jetted and its damn good. when i first got my quad, it would sorta bog down sometimes and wouldnt go as fast as it should have and sucked gas like a whore. well, it turns out that the jet kit that came with the alba pipe kit (reason why i dont buy alba motor parts) that was on the quad when i got it was WAY too rich. my mechanic told me that he had to step the jetting down 15 stages! it ran much better afterward. i would definitely recommend finding a shop that has a dyno like this and have them do it, because even though you may eventually get good at jetting, you can get it almost perfect with a computer readout on a dyno. wont be perfect like you can get with fuel injected quads (like raptor 700 and suzuki r450) but probably better than you can get by plug reading and guessing. some people can get it pretty close though and im not knocking their skills (wish i could do it) but its much more accurate this way. plug reading is a good thing to do though.
really? clocked by whom? i find that kind of hard to believe, but if you've got proof i cant argue with it.
really? clocked by whom? i find that kind of hard to believe, but if you've got proof i cant argue with it.
ive been clocked by 3 diffrent people on 3 diffrent kind of motocycles..a 04 GSX-R1000,a 83 virago a 73 CB 500...
so they just ran beside you and told you the speed i assume? well, if you got up to 70, thats pretty good!
so they just ran beside you and told you the speed i assume? well, if you got up to 70, thats pretty good!
yea they just ran beside me..but i chick it agan this weekend in make sure let u know...i get the top speed whit the 13t front the top speed whit the 15t...
okay. i just looked at the tutorial that death wrote about gearing, and with your gearing i can see 70mph, especially if you have stock size tires. at first i was thinking about stock gearing, but check it again if you want. i would like to see video or pictures though. not really as proof, but just to see a warrior go 70. later

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