ATV under water. HELP!

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[quote:fnxfq5j6]lol, yep, water damage is obvious when you open up the motor

"We denied your warrnaty because you Hydrolocked your motor"

"What? It was never in water??????"

"Care to explain how your bearings have rust on them, and the machined surfaces of the crank, rod, and most electrical mounting plates, as well as screws, and bolts have rust on them?"


"You do know misrepresenting a warranty claim is called FRAUD in most states, don;t you?"



Wow, your a smart man! You must have made it all the way through high school... Just for your info the dealer called me yesterday and said it would be finished Monday and warranty will cover all the damage. Beside y the **** you care what I told the dealer?

"We denied your warrnaty because you Hydrolocked your motor"

"What? It was never in water??????"

"Care to explain how your bearings have rust on them, and the machined surfaces of the crank, rod, and most electrical mounting plates, as well as screws, and bolts have rust on them?"


"You do know misrepresenting a warranty claim is called FRAUD in most states, don;t you?"



Wow, your a smart man! You must have made it all the way through high school... Just for your info the dealer called me yesterday and said it would be finished Monday and warranty will cover all the damage. Beside y the **** you care what I told the dealer?[/quote:ka10ii6a]

Because people like YOU are the reason Warranties get denied for the REAL FACTORY DEFECTS. Or did you forget that a warranty is not a free reign to tear **** up, and then have the dealer fix it?

I'll bet you are the type to smash into a tree, and then tell your insurance a "Black car with a wood bumper hit me...I ddn't get a plate, but please fix it for me?"

Warranties are in plac to fix DEFECTIVE PARTS FROM THE FACTORY...NOT to cover STUPIDITY.

What you did constitutes FRAUD. I hope you can sleep at night.
Oh, and Greenfield Motor Sports was forwared a copy of this thread.......We'll see if the warranty is still in place come monday.
Oh, and Greenfield Motor Sports was forwared a copy of this thread.......We'll see if the warranty is still in place come monday.

Lol, your a ******* retard. WTF is that going to do... I hate stupid people that but into other people business. A 31 year old grown man has nothing better to do then but into other peoples biz. Man i hope I'm as cool as you when I'm 31. :-*
Yep typical response by the OWNED.

Little hint Junior......

If you are going to do something Illegal.....DON'T POST IT ON THE INNERWEB.

So, try to twist this around to being MY fault. Come on boy, lets see it.

All I did is ssend an Email with a short little note, and a link here.

YOU, committed FRAUD, by attempting to pass off YOUR stupidity as a FACTORY DEFECT.....When YOU are the only one with the defect.

So tell us. How is what you did FAIR, and RIGHT?
What about the next guy that has an actual DEFECT, and takes it there, but because they already took it in the ass for 2500 bucks for YOUR rebuild, that they DENY his warranty? How is that Right to him?

I'm sorry, I just hate CRIMINALS, That's all.

And what you did is just that. CRIMINAL.
LOL, lack of integrity as well.

And being honest IS very cool. I'm not saying that turning someone else in is cool but honesty is, so if you want to be cool no matter your age...try being honest now and work on the integrity and you'll be cool when you're 31.

*Integrity* Doing what is right simply because it is right.
Yep typical response by the OWNED.

Little hint Junior......

If you are going to do something Illegal.....DON'T POST IT ON THE INNERWEB.

So, try to twist this around to being MY fault. Come on boy, lets see it.

All I did is ssend an Email with a short little note, and a link here.

YOU, committed FRAUD, by attempting to pass off YOUR stupidity as a FACTORY DEFECT.....When YOU are the only one with the defect.

So tell us. How is what you did FAIR, and RIGHT?
What about the next guy that has an actual DEFECT, and takes it there, but because they already took it in the ass for 2500 bucks for YOUR rebuild, that they DENY his warranty? How is that Right to him?

I'm sorry, I just hate CRIMINALS, That's all.

And what you did is just that. CRIMINAL.

So your telling me you are perfect. You have never done anything like this before? In all 31 years you have been alive? Lol IDC you sent an email to the dealer. It will still be fix under warranty. And I hope you know just because the dealer just did a $2,500 rebuild under warranty does not mean there going to deny someone else. The dealer get there money either way. You think dealers do factory warranty work for free? I don't think so. Trust me the dealer gets there money either way. I should know (ATV/Dirtbike engine repair.) its what I do for a living. So maybe before you open your month again you should do a little research. Because you could not be more wrong here.
[quote:8d8id5jc]Yep typical response by the OWNED.

Little hint Junior......

If you are going to do something Illegal.....DON'T POST IT ON THE INNERWEB.

So, try to twist this around to being MY fault. Come on boy, lets see it.

All I did is ssend an Email with a short little note, and a link here.

YOU, committed FRAUD, by attempting to pass off YOUR stupidity as a FACTORY DEFECT.....When YOU are the only one with the defect.

So tell us. How is what you did FAIR, and RIGHT?
What about the next guy that has an actual DEFECT, and takes it there, but because they already took it in the ass for 2500 bucks for YOUR rebuild, that they DENY his warranty? How is that Right to him?

I'm sorry, I just hate CRIMINALS, That's all.

And what you did is just that. CRIMINAL.

So your telling me you are perfect. You have never done anything like this before? In all 31 years you have been alive? Lol IDC you sent an email to the dealer. It will still be fix under warranty. And I hope you know just because the dealer just did a $2,500 rebuild under warranty does not mean there going to deny someone else. The dealer get there money either way. You think dealers do factory warranty work for free? I don't think so. Trust me the dealer gets there money either way. I should know (ATV/Dirtbike engine repair.) its what I do for a living. So maybe before you open your month again you should do a little research. Because you could not be more wrong here. [/quote:8d8id5jc]

I've never committed FRAUD before.

And for being an ATV tech, you REALLY don't know **** do you? If you DID, you'd KNOW why your motor died.

Back to the Warranty repair......In case you did not know, most warranty repair parts are sent back to the local distribiuitor for exam. When they find them to be defective, the DEALER gets his money...NOT BEFORE. When they see that the parts were not DEFECTIVE, but instead werte due to USER ERROR, they DENY that dealer's claim. MEaning the DEALER just ate the REbuild cost, labor cost, and parts cost.

Now, say this happens 3 times. The dealer is now out roughly 8K in work, therefore, they will DENY warranty work to cover the collective ***** of the SHAREHOLDERS of the dealer.

Justify it however you like kiddo. YOU are no better than a crackdealer in my eyes.

ATV Tech...I'm still laughing over here.

Do the world a favor, and /self before you REALLY hurt someone, or end up in Greybar motel.
Lol, what ever you say man. I love people who think they know every thing. You no idea how the warranty thing works. I see it every day. The dealer gets there money no matter what. Now y would they go head and do the work then file a clamed with the factory? And then not get there money. That's the most stupidest thing I have ever heard ion my life. The dealer is not just going to do $3,000 worth of work for free. O and just for your info I got my quad back today, Running like a champ. Didn't cost me ****! Like I told you your email did jack ****.
[quote:5h34915u]Oh, and Greenfield Motor Sports was forwared a copy of this thread.......We'll see if the warranty is still in place come monday.

Lol, got it today. Warranty covered 100% of the damage. [/quote:5h34915u]

Good job. Brag about Fraud.

I have been waiting for you to get it back so you could tell us what they had to do to get it running? Was it fuel or spark related. Did they just have to dry out all the electronics?
I have been waiting for you to get it back so you could tell us what they had to do to get it running? Was it fuel or spark related. Did they just have to dry out all the electronics?

Yes the electronics were socked, the head had water in it, I guess i didnt get all the water out of the carb either. Thats all they did to it. So I'm guessing they knew about the water sense they had to drain it all out. But I still didnt get charged a damn thing. Y i could not tell you. Maybe cause i work there. :eek:
u were pretty cool when you first came, but now you are just a pure ********, wtf is your problem dude?
You talking about me r350ridin? I have done nothing but respond to Mr. know it all storydude1
And as for the other kid I snapped at... I just hate when people ask you dumb ass questions. I was thought not to ask stupid questions when I was younger. So that's just how I am. So if you want to think I'm a dick head fine, That's your opinion.
You talking about me r350ridin? I have done nothing but respond to Mr. know it all storydude1
And as for the other kid I snapped at... I just hate when people ask you dumb ass questions. I was thought not to ask stupid questions when I was younger. So that's just how I am. So if you want to think I'm a dick head fine, That's your opinion.

The backpeddaling has begun.

YOU stated that "My quad is going to be repaired under warranty"

Now, it's magic that you work there.

Good, armed with that little bit of info, and your name, I'll have mommy's and daddy's address, place of employment, and your home address within 2 days.

Want a google Sat. shot of your house posted as well?

u were pretty cool when you first came, but now you are just a pure ********, wtf is your problem dude?

and 89 warrior, you have gotten a little kocky evrey once and a while, but not over it
[quote:u3wlgb1t]You talking about me r350ridin? I have done nothing but respond to Mr. know it all storydude1
And as for the other kid I snapped at... I just hate when people ask you dumb ass questions. I was thought not to ask stupid questions when I was younger. So that's just how I am. So if you want to think I'm a dick head fine, That's your opinion.

The backpeddaling has begun.

YOU stated that "My quad is going to be repaired under warranty"

Now, it's magic that you work there.

Good, armed with that little bit of info, and your name, I'll have mommy's and daddy's address, place of employment, and your home address within 2 days.

Want a google Sat. shot of your house posted as well?


Yea lets see what you got man.... You talk a lot of bull ****, But can you back your bull **** up? Lets see the picture of my house "All Mighty One"!

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