ATV under water. HELP!

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The backpeddaling has begun.

YOU stated that "My quad is going to be repaired under warranty"

Now, it's magic that you work there.

Good, armed with that little bit of info, and your name, I'll have mommy's and daddy's address, place of employment, and your home address within 2 days.

Want a google Sat. shot of your house posted as well?


Yea lets see what you got man.... You talk a lot of bull ****, But can you back your bull **** up? Lets see the picture of my house "GOD"![/quote:93nnxrk2]

I would like to go on record, that this is PERMISSION to do all said above.

Enjoy the Ride James.

Yea lets see what you got man.... You talk a lot of bull ****, But can you back your bull **** up? Lets see the picture of my house "GOD"!

I would like to go on record, that this is PERMISSION to do all said above.

Enjoy the Ride James.[/quote:6iuggb8v]

Dude WTF are you talking about. What is him finding where I live and where my mom and dad work at got to do with anything. How the **** is that spouse to scare me. I could give to ***** if you knew all my info. All you guys who like to act like hard ass's over the Internet and try to scare people by telling **** need to grow the **** up. I cam here for help on my quad, and I say something about a warranty. Well guess what guys? this world is not perfect. people tell the dealer bull **** lies to get there **** fixed under warranty every day. So stop acting like my ******* parents and mind your own ******* business. **** all of you!

I would like to go on record, that this is PERMISSION to do all said above.

Enjoy the Ride James.

Dude WTF are you talking about. What is him finding where I live and where my mom and dad work at got to do with anything. How the **** is that spouse to scare me. I could give to ***** if you knew all my info. All you guys who like to act like hard ass's over the Internet and try to scare people by telling **** need to grow the **** up. I cam here for help on my quad, and I say something about a warranty. Well guess what guys? this world is not perfect. people tell the dealer bull **** lies to get there **** fixed under warranty every day. So stop acting like my ******* parents and mind your own ******* business. **** all of you!


Maybe if your PARENTS instilled some MORALS, this Pleasure cruise you are about to embark on would have been avoided. You came here asking questions about your quad, but admitted to DEFRAUDING the place you work for.

People MIGHT tell BS lies to get warranty repair completed, but that does not make it RIGHT.

You don;t do the math too wel do you. Say Yamaha sells 10K quads this year. Out o those 10K they budget for 200 to be defective, and need warranty repair. Now, when in actuallity, people like you increase that number to 1K. Yamaha now lost money this model year due to fraud, so guess what, NEXT year's Quads see a price increase of 15%

Like has happened EVERY year since 1999.

My Warrior listed at 3200 bucks in 1996. What does the EXACT SAME UNIT cost in 1999? WOW, over 5K. Inflation is not the reason, Tooling is not the reason, the REASON is YAMAHA lost money on fraudlent claims, and had to make a profit somewhere.

Now, lets talk about the Tech that worked on your quad. I'll Bet my bottom dollar that SOMEONE got paid for that repair. At roughly 70/hr, with 2 hr. min. that's 140 bucks....I'm assuming your WHOLE CHECK from Greenfield. Greenfield had to pay those techs for the time they were working on YOUR junk, and not a REAL Warranty claim. So, Greenfield lost money, Yamaha lost money, Prices go up, Profits go down, and you still cannot see why what you did was wrong.

Looks like Mommy and Daddy did a REALLY good job raising a Criminal. Because that's EXACTLY what you did. Defraud Greenfield Motorsports, Yamaha, and the Service manager.

Like I said, justify it how you like, YOU COMMITTED FRAUD.
No different than writing a bad check, changing prices at a store, or selling false goods.

Oh, guess Greenfield did like the letter I sent them. Seeing as I got a response from Mike, AND Don.

We'll see if you have a JOB come monday.

Dude WTF are you talking about. What is him finding where I live and where my mom and dad work at got to do with anything. How the **** is that spouse to scare me. I could give to ***** if you knew all my info. All you guys who like to act like hard ass's over the Internet and try to scare people by telling **** need to grow the **** up. I cam here for help on my quad, and I say something about a warranty. Well guess what guys? this world is not perfect. people tell the dealer bull **** lies to get there **** fixed under warranty every day. So stop acting like my ******* parents and mind your own ******* business. **** all of you!

Maybe if your PARENTS instilled some MORALS, this Pleasure cruise you are about to embark on would have been avoided. You came here asking questions about your quad, but admitted to DEFRAUDING the place you work for.

People MIGHT tell BS lies to get warranty repair completed, but that does not make it RIGHT.

You don;t do the math too wel do you. Say Yamaha sells 10K quads this year. Out o those 10K they budget for 200 to be defective, and need warranty repair. Now, when in actuallity, people like you increase that number to 1K. Yamaha now lost money this model year due to fraud, so guess what, NEXT year's Quads see a price increase of 15%

Like has happened EVERY year since 1999.

My Warrior listed at 3200 bucks in 1996. What does the EXACT SAME UNIT cost in 1999? WOW, over 5K. Inflation is not the reason, Tooling is not the reason, the REASON is YAMAHA lost money on fraudlent claims, and had to make a profit somewhere.

Now, lets talk about the Tech that worked on your quad. I'll Bet my bottom dollar that SOMEONE got paid for that repair. At roughly 70/hr, with 2 hr. min. that's 140 bucks....I'm assuming your WHOLE CHECK from Greenfield. Greenfield had to pay those techs for the time they were working on YOUR junk, and not a REAL Warranty claim. So, Greenfield lost money, Yamaha lost money, Prices go up, Profits go down, and you still cannot see why what you did was wrong.

Looks like Mommy and Daddy did a REALLY good job raising a Criminal. Because that's EXACTLY what you did. Defraud Greenfield Motorsports, Yamaha, and the Service manager.

Like I said, justify it how you like, YOU COMMITTED FRAUD.
No different than writing a bad check, changing prices at a store, or selling false goods.

Oh, guess Greenfield did like the letter I sent them. Seeing as I got a response from Mike, AND Don.

We'll see if you have a JOB come monday.[/quote:qugba7ll]

get over it, the other people that work there would do the exact same thing....and so would most other people around here...get over it and leaver evreybody alone
yea, storyduude, you are taking it a litle too far, trying to make him lose his job? lets just lock this thread and be over with it, we still cool 89warrior?
yea, storyduude, you are taking it a litle too far, trying to make him lose his job? lets just lock this thread and be over with it, we still cool 89warrior?

Yeah, you gotta draw a line somewhere. I agree that he shouldn't have cheated them into repairing it under warranty, but it's not storydude's business to try getting him fired for it. It's one thing to lecture him on it, and explain why he shouldn't do it, but to try getting involved in it is outrageous. To me that's just being a flat-out ********.
[quote:eek:77i8l0s]yea, storyduude, you are taking it a litle too far, trying to make him lose his job? lets just lock this thread and be over with it, we still cool 89warrior?

Yeah, you gotta draw a line somewhere. I agree that he shouldn't have cheated them into repairing it under warranty, but it's not storydude's business to try getting him fired for it. It's one thing to lecture him on it, and explain why he shouldn't do it, but to try getting involved in it is outrageous. To me that's just being a flat-out ********.[/quote:eek:77i8l0s]
After watching my local Honda dealer(Imperial Cycle..SAME location since 1969) get CLOSED due to Warranty Fraud, I kinda get a lttle pissed off.

People like him do NOTHING but bring down the sport, make dealers wary of Warranty claims, and cost US money.

And that's a FACT.

You know, people need to learn that the innerweb is a rough place, and actions have results...sometimes unwanted. Had he Not opened his mouth, none of this would have happened.

Also, if you do NOT think that Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, KAwi, Polaris and the like do NOT read fourms to guage customer satisfaction, you are in for a rude awakening.

Who is to say that a Yamaha USA rep is not reading all of this, and then comes against his place of employment as a direct result?

I've seen it happen on Jeep boards, Dodge boards, and MotorsportBoards.

You can try to make me the bad guy here, but you need to look deeper to see who the REAL bad guy is.

Which is better. Losing a job, or doing 5 years for Fraud?
I'm not disagreeing that fake warranty claims can hurt the manufacturer, but it takes more than that to bring down an entire dealer. These shops aren't losing $70 an hour on labor, the shop mechanics only make a small fraction of that money per hour. If the dealers were really losing that much money over things like this, then it's their job to be more selective about which work they will and won't do. They're driving themselves into the ground if they're dumb enough to cover water damage as a warranty repair, and nothing obligates them to do the work under warranty when it's obvious that it wasn't caused by a defect, but by an operator mistake.

Either way, if the manufacturers are researching opinions on their products on the forums, then just let it go. If they find a problem with it, they will deal with it. You don't need to be a nark, just let it ride, and he'll get what's coming to him in the end. I can get along with people pretty well, but the type of person that just goes around with the goal of ruining someone else's day just really gets under my skin. What kind of life does a person have to lead to make it their duty to piss other people off and get them into a bad situation? That's pretty sad dude.
I'm not disagreeing that fake warranty claims can hurt the manufacturer, but it takes more than that to bring down an entire dealer. These shops aren't losing $70 an hour on labor, the shop mechanics only make a small fraction of that money per hour. If the dealers were really losing that much money over things like this, then it's their job to be more selective about which work they will and won't do. They're driving themselves into the ground if they're dumb enough to cover water damage as a warranty repair, and nothing obligates them to do the work under warranty when it's obvious that it wasn't caused by a defect, but by an operator mistake.

Either way, if the manufacturers are researching opinions on their products on the forums, then just let it go. If they find a problem with it, they will deal with it. You don't need to be a nark, just let it ride, and he'll get what's coming to him in the end. I can get along with people pretty well, but the type of person that just goes around with the goal of ruining someone else's day just really gets under my skin. What kind of life does a person have to lead to make it their duty to piss other people off and get them into a bad situation? That's pretty sad dude.

I could have not said it any better myself. Thanks all of you of having my back like this. I was not bragging about getting my quad fixed under warranty. I did what I did cause I know how much money a repair can cost. And most of it is labor. So if you still have a warranty y not try to get it fixed under the warranty. If they would have said not we cant do it, that would have been fine I would have paid for it. But they fixed it. So is that my prob....? In my opinion no. Lol and Yamaha Inc coming after me for this.... come on now man. That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Why do they care about a little $600 repair. That's nothing to a billion dollar company. I don't think so man.
[quote:z5r55v8q]I'm not disagreeing that fake warranty claims can hurt the manufacturer, but it takes more than that to bring down an entire dealer. These shops aren't losing $70 an hour on labor, the shop mechanics only make a small fraction of that money per hour. If the dealers were really losing that much money over things like this, then it's their job to be more selective about which work they will and won't do. They're driving themselves into the ground if they're dumb enough to cover water damage as a warranty repair, and nothing obligates them to do the work under warranty when it's obvious that it wasn't caused by a defect, but by an operator mistake.

Either way, if the manufacturers are researching opinions on their products on the forums, then just let it go. If they find a problem with it, they will deal with it. You don't need to be a nark, just let it ride, and he'll get what's coming to him in the end. I can get along with people pretty well, but the type of person that just goes around with the goal of ruining someone else's day just really gets under my skin. What kind of life does a person have to lead to make it their duty to piss other people off and get them into a bad situation? That's pretty sad dude.

I could have not said it any better myself. Thanks all of you of having my back like this. I was not bragging about getting my quad fixed under warranty. I did what I did cause I know how much money a repair can cost. And most of it is labor. So if you still have a warranty y not try to get it fixed under the warranty. If they would have said not we cant do it, that would have been fine I would have paid for it. But they fixed it. So is that my prob....? In my opinion no. Lol and Yamaha Inc coming after me for this.... come on now man. That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Why do they care about a little $600 repair. That's nothing to a billion dollar company. I don't think so man.[/quote:z5r55v8q]

Yep..Just like the Cut-off for new parts for a GM car is .50. If it costs more than 50 cents MORE than the part being replaced, IT DOES NOT GET IMPLEMENTED.

Same thing goes for Warranty repairs. Sure, 600 bones is nothing to a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. But multiply that fradulent repair times oh, say, 100 per YEAR, and WOW. That's 60,000 dollars in LOST REVENUE.

Multiply that by 10 years.........and you now get 600,000 in lost revenue. Bet they'd take notice of a 6 Large loss on the bottom line.

Still does not change the fact that what you committed was Fraud, and a Class A FELONY ANYWHERE in the USA.

I hope you sleep well at night knowing you are a Felon.
LOL, why would he fell guilty fo getting his motor fixed for free even when the shop KNEW there was water in it?? come on man, i cant say that i wouldnt have done the same thing, so i guess you can call me a felon, hell if it under warranty im gunna try to get it fixed under warranty.
Am I freaking missing something here?

His quad would not start. He takes it to the dealership. Dealership finds water in it, drains it, dries it out and gets it running. The dealership knew it was water related. The dealership decided this was to be covered under warranty. This was the decision of the dealership, not the customer. Case closed.
Am I freaking missing something here?

His quad would not start. He takes it to the dealership He works at. Dealership finds water in it, drains it, dries it out and gets it running. The dealership knew it was water related. The dealership decided this was to be covered under warranty FRAUD. The EMPLOYEE signs off on Warranty work, perpetuating th Fraud, instead of stopping it in it's tracks. This was the decision of the dealership, AND the Employee. Case closed.

Fixed it for ya.
Why do you even bother coming onto this site? You've gotten to the point that you pissed off just about everybody, i mean what's your motivation? I come onto this site to help people out, check out other people's quads, and show off mine. It seems like your greatest enjoyment comes from disagreeing and arguing with everyone, and generally just being a piss-infected cum bubble. Can't you just do that somewhere else? Maybe you could go to walmart, and lecture the people waiting at the customer service booth about returning stuff that they broke, or stuff that is perfectly fine, and how they are disrupting the global economy, making 15 companies go bankrupt, and making all the whales die.
Why do you even bother coming onto this site? You've gotten to the point that you pissed off just about everybody, i mean what's your motivation? I come onto this site to help people out, check out other people's quads, and show off mine. It seems like your greatest enjoyment comes from disagreeing and arguing with everyone, and generally just being a piss-infected cum bubble. Can't you just do that somewhere else? Maybe you could go to walmart, and lecture the people waiting at the customer service booth about returning stuff that they broke, or stuff that is perfectly fine, and how they are disrupting the global economy, making 15 companies go bankrupt, and making all the whales die.

I love watching people try to justify being a stupid-ass.

Then squirm when found out.

Maybe it's a little thing called PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. something SORELY Lacking in the Modern America.

There was a time when one pulled a bonehead move, and OWNED UP TO IT, and not try to take the easy, weasel way out of it.

Break something, FIX IT. Break someone's ****, FIX IT.

Kids of today REALLY scare me with the "I don;t give a **** attitude" instilled into them by the MTV watching parents.

What happens when the lawyers run out of people to sue? Maybe these KIDS will have to MAN up.

Too bad it usually takes a jail term for the most severe cases to learn that.
[quote:991qu8yk]Why do you even bother coming onto this site? You've gotten to the point that you pissed off just about everybody, i mean what's your motivation? I come onto this site to help people out, check out other people's quads, and show off mine. It seems like your greatest enjoyment comes from disagreeing and arguing with everyone, and generally just being a piss-infected cum bubble. Can't you just do that somewhere else? Maybe you could go to walmart, and lecture the people waiting at the customer service booth about returning stuff that they broke, or stuff that is perfectly fine, and how they are disrupting the global economy, making 15 companies go bankrupt, and making all the whales die.

I love watching people try to justify being a stupid-ass.

Then squirm when found out.

Maybe it's a little thing called PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. something SORELY Lacking in the Modern America.

There was a time when one pulled a bonehead move, and OWNED UP TO IT, and not try to take the easy, weasel way out of it.

Break something, FIX IT. Break someone's ****, FIX IT.

Kids of today REALLY scare me with the "I don;t give a **** attitude" instilled into them by the MTV watching parents.

What happens when the lawyers run out of people to sue? Maybe these KIDS will have to MAN up.

Too bad it usually takes a jail term for the most severe cases to learn that.[/quote:991qu8yk]

Lol, MTV? Are you kidding? No one watch's MTV any more, Unless there from the ghetto.
Im not from the ghetto at all, I watch MTV. I like watching during spring break the most :D. I prefer VH1.. This is getting good. I will sit back and watch some more!!!

I love watching people try to justify being a stupid-ass.

Then squirm when found out.

Maybe it's a little thing called PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. something SORELY Lacking in the Modern America.

There was a time when one pulled a bonehead move, and OWNED UP TO IT, and not try to take the easy, weasel way out of it.

Break something, FIX IT. Break someone's ****, FIX IT.

Kids of today REALLY scare me with the "I don;t give a **** attitude" instilled into them by the MTV watching parents.

What happens when the lawyers run out of people to sue? Maybe these KIDS will have to MAN up.

Too bad it usually takes a jail term for the most severe cases to learn that.

Lol, MTV? Are you kidding? No one watch's MTV any more, Unless there from the ghetto.[/quote:gkxsujj1]

I'll bet your parents did. as your actions suggest.
i watch mtv and im not ghetto and i dont live in the ghetto, and im white, GO FIGURE!!!!, we can watch whatever we want when we want, and we can gyp dealers if we want too, you have no controll over it
did you have to get sum sleeping pills to help you sleep at night since you are a felon lol?

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