Broken old people thread

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Its weird how you get a mental pic of someone in your head and they turn out compleatly different. Freaks me out....Im in the same boat as a lot of you guys, Bad back and knees. I broke my self on my BMX bike when I was yonger. I live on pain killers to get me through the day now. Its all good, my fault for being a ******* anyway.
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Well guys i thought everyone would love to see who they are talking too, me personaly im 36 and feel like im 80 all that working on cars crap...1998yamahawarrior i didnt think you were like a giant!!!hahaha, so far no one else realy suprises me well WG too but think that was for everyone.... well keep showing them pics guys!!!
Just be glad that you guys are older then me. I'm 24 and have been suffering with the same acks and pains since I was in my mid-teens. Sucks balls! I hurt my back when I was 11 trying to lift my quads quad up. I saw him do it and thought that it wasn't that bad. Then I tried when he wasn't looking. Back is still messed up to this day. I couldn't even lightly jog in gym class for 3 weeks. I've taken some nasty spills off of horses at speed (about 35mph) and have pummled the **** out of my body. Gotten slammed so hard by other riders in my sport that I've had bruises encompase my whole thigh, wind knocked out of me, you name it... Never broken a bone in life, how idk, but I've ****** up joints and ligaments pretty bad. Cracked some ribs probably, taken 2x4s to the face on more then a couple occasions, drill bits through body parts, fish hooks through body parts, big honkin splinters through body parts, crunched fingers, skin ripped from my arms/hands, 3rd degree burns... the list goes on. I walk down the hall and you hear my knees and hips crack! lol. Matter of fact, if you put your hand on my knee, and I flex it, you can feel the roughness and damage in it.
hey all you talkin bout bad joints; i was leg pressing 965lbs and my spotter wasnt paying attention; got two reps in and dropped it on myself! if i didnt sqeeze out of that space a wouldnt be able to walk today, but there is no apparent damage to them! so i be happy
well i guess i missed alot of this thread last night
@gen1pat ...i think your lucky ppl think you 30 ... im 28 and everyone thinks im only 18
@hauler .... your pic isnt working !

and as for the the joint pain topic i was born with a virus that spreads my joint apart so i have bin live with joint my whole life ! .. i know joint pain !!!
Hows that! Not that I want to hear what you have to say! JK! but if you read all the posts you'll understand I hope?lol
Same thing with my knee and shoulder. Can actually feel how messed up they are. My wife freaks out about the noises my knees make. Its a bummer
My knee's pop and crack every time I bend them as for my shoulder Let's just say Tendinitis ******* sucks in the shoulder!!
all of my joints grind and pop and **** it sucks ... im a 28 year old disabled stay at home dad
all of my joints grind and pop and **** it sucks ... im a 28 year old disabled stay at home dad

Ha! me too but for Kidney related issues! ****** sucks I wanna work so fricken bad but dialysis just drains the **** out of me so I would be more of a liability to work for anyone right now
yeah i feel you there man .. i was roofer of years like this .... not the best work for someone in my condition thats for sure have my knee give out on a roof i fell and got this i had to give it up before anything worse happened

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