Broken old people thread

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Trail riding. There is more info and pics in another post around here somewhere.

I was riding at my local spot (Wellsville) with my little brother at night. We always push eachother when we ride and this particular weekend the railroad company had just smoothed all the whoops out of the side of the tracks, so we were tearing ass down them, I was almost at top speed when the chitty stock lights go out. Next thing I know I wake up on my back, get up to get back on my quad and it's a mangled ball. My lil bro was balling his eyes out, thought I was for sure dead. He said I did about 3 or 4 end over end flips. My quad did 2 just about straight up in the air. I ended up hitting the end of a cut off railroad track square center in the lower part of my old bumper at about 50. I landed in between the tracks and a big pile of old stacked railroad ties, in a patch of rock about as wide as three of me. All the pops and the bladder of my camel pack I was wearing was smashed. If I did have a go pro, or better yet if my brother did, I guarantee that wreck would be on all the worlds wildest shows. I just know of it from how my brother talks about it and he doesn't even like to relive it. For the longerst time when I drove back past that spot I would get a mini anxiety attack.

After I calmed my brother down I rode on back of his quad with him to his truck, which was on the other side of the riding area. We took the streets back to camp. Got back and took the truck down to the tracks to get my quad, this is about the time the adrenalin wears off. We load up and call it a night and drive back home. I wake up the next day with a 7" cut on my inner thigh and a nasty ass bruised lower ab. Worts part was on that Monday, It was the first day at a new job, I was in shear hell. So sore I could barely move. I went to the doc and they CT scanned my ab and whole lower right stomach area and taped up my thigh. Other then that I was fine, very very lucky. But now my back is so fugged up, I know it was from that wreck.
I don't ride as hard / as much as many of you but I've sure seen / heard of / known so many who have been through so much, and worse. Makes me always think twice when I finally do get to ride.
Wow! you are one lucky SOB! obviously someone^^^was watching over you that night
I can't believe you didn't go straight to the ER that night!
You one tough MOFO!!
Yeah. Angels that night for sure. I still go hard but doing that at night is super retarded. You live and learn and don't make the same mistakes twice.
and then there's this side of you???LMFAO!!!

A real Laugh Your Ass Off Moment would be a pic of me when I was 20, long hair down half my back. lol
I can't believe you didn't go straight to the ER that night!
You one tough MOFO!!

yeah, I probably should have but by the time we got back home it was nearing 4am. We both probably still had some alcohol in our system and at the time my little brother was under age. I just wanted to get in my bed. My little brother slept over on the couch. The next morning was rough to say the least.

If you gunna be dumb you gotta be tough. Luckly in my life I have only ever broken some toes and the bone in my hand that attached to my pinky bone, but have gone through some crazy stuff. (gotten hit by a car as a kid, Fell out of a 20 foot tree onto my back, almost lost my right eye; twice, totaled a jeep in a steep downhill ditch, ect.) I pray nightly and thank my god for my guardian(s). I think I'm ment to be alive for a reason, so I try to make the most of everyday and help anyone in need that I am able too. It says a lot as to why I am on here so much and why I live this place too.

And yes, I love to have fun. (70's Dirk Diggler me.......NOT Halloween either) Life is to damn depressing to be mad or sad all the time.
so wait who deleted my thread, made a new one, and put all these posts in here?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF? whoever did it didnt even give me the dignity of naming the thread what i named it! now im sad...
well will ya please change the name to the broken old people thread? i like that name better!
Yeah man I'd say that was a wreck. Looked at the pics last night. I've wrecked once when I was 13 in dad's honda. Had to replace the front bumper and rack. Broke one little clip on the front fender that hooks under the tank. I've not had a wreck sense. I've had some near misses, mostly at hatfield with oncoming idiots flying around a blind curve. I've a very diligent rider, and still ride fast. I drive the same way, super aware and defensive, and still drive like a bat outta hell! lol. Btw dead, you almost look like Hyde from 70's Show!
You guys are all punks! J/K I'm 44, my knees and back are shot from doing autobody for the last 26 year's and riding my whole life like I was retarded. I have micro tears in the muscles of both shoulders, and my left hand is ****** from running it thru the sprocket of my dirt bike when I crashed at 12 yrs old. I can't wait to see how much booze it takes for me to get thru the pain in 10 years! Ride on brothers!

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