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My advice is find a reputable local shop to do it, much safer then shipping it to some guy you have never meet and have no idea of their reputation..
dude, i give this guy cred, he was awesome brought my cylinder there he did it in an hour and i got out. pretty reputable to me.
@Alex That's the same price im paying you said that included the head work which is doesn't . So back to my ? . Should I pay 150 for the head work?? (which Is detailed in the link) is it worth it to do that to the head or a waste of money
i agree. buy a piston kit and take it to a local machine shop to be bored and honed... dont have to worry about cooling fins being broke during shipping.. or the cylinder getting lost all together AND you dont have to wait on the shipping!
100 for bore and hone in my area wtffff also does anybody have a answer to my question ? Is it worth it to have this done to the head for 150

Yes you send them your head and that's the work they do for 150
That's the same thing I was thinking and that's just bore & hone no gaskets nothing
I agree Duncan my best option is to ship one I can save 50-70 dollars . I'm still wondering about the head kit job is it worth getting done when I send out to bore&hone??
it IS worth it, you get fresh seats so you know you wont have a comp leak, you get new valve seals which normally go bad before the rest of the topend, and if you have a bent valve it can be corrected not before it brakes or gets bent any further! have the top end serviced but it shouldnt cost but around 50-70 dollars to have them doo that, i can do one in about a hour if i have the tools but i dont and dont want them, Mr jessup does me good and i enjo to visit but yes the head needs to be serviced but dont spend that much for it.
Jesus where do you live duneracer labor work is really cheap ??? I can't imaging that charge for this work in my area especially since a bore & hone is 100 . I think my best bet is to ship it

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