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Lol.. Well off topic it is.
But the 1st gen 490 chamber design sucks! The 465 has a way better squish ratio, and a deeper chamber. The 490 (Especially the IT's) has way to deep of a squish, which creates hot spots in the head.
I took .020 off mine buy milling .010 off the jug, and running a thinner head gasket. Then I did my own take on the Eric Gorr chamber mod. I just chucked the head in a lathe, with a 30* 8mm cut.
It made a huge difference!!
No more ping'n..
I was under the impression that I can get a piston kit that will give me higher compression without having to bore ...silly rabbit.
Well yah.. Thats what we're say'n.
Just ditch the base gasket.
But you could also get a 12:1 piston for a stock 83mm bore.
Oooo ok I got it now stock bore is 83mm I can get a bigger piston but it will require a big sleeve ex: 83.50,84.00,85.00 which will require the jug to be bored. Buutttt if I want to keep standard bore 83mm I just get this Now like dune said with the 12:1 it will require race/hi octane gas now with that being said would I lose realiabilty with such a hi compression on stock internals such as valves ,cam gear etc etc?? Because stock compression is 9 something
Actually I think stock is 10:1.. But yah.
If the cylinder is in good shape, and doesn't require any work to the bore then you could just replace the piston. It still needs to be honed though, so the rings will seat.

As for running higher compression.. Yes it is harder on your valves. But the race fuel burns cleaner, and cooler than regular fuel.

IMO. If this is your first quad, I would keep it really simple.
These motors are really tough, and make great torque.
The more simple (stock) you keep it, the more reliable it'll be. It also makes it cheaper to work on.

That's my $.02.
@mathius I hear what your saying and agree to a extent . I just want more go out of it I ride woods a lot and don't get me wrong it pulls hard but I feel it has more potential that I'm ready for. I'm just nervous of losing the realiabilty but I guess with any upgrades to a motor you start to decrease the life of it
9.6:1 is factory..

But 12:1 is the limit on 93, its hit and mis even with a flawless tune! So 11.5:1 on pump dependably as for component wear, I haven't been able to prove any reliability reduction due to moding but the harder you ride it the harder it is on parts. But the clutch is the weak link in these motors.
Yah I wasn't try'n to be an a-hole or nothing. I'm glad it didn't come off that way.
But most of us on here have been riding for years, and "need" the extra power. That's why we do all this crazy stuff, like drop a 40hp 2 stroke in them..

These machines stock will go fast enuf to pucker up your butt hole.. lol
They'll pull the front tires, and get sideways in the dirt.
So if it's running good now, just ride it till it dies.. Then you can get crazy, and mod it out.
Till then though dude. I'd save my money... Nothing is more reliable than a stock machine.
A wise man once said "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"..
Damn Mathius you suck ass lol joking but you have a good point. So I guess all I can do is gearing for now to grow alittle balls (more acceleration/torque). The info was great and now I understand boring ,compression and the whole top end re build ******** lol I think..s
Damn Mathius you suck ass lol joking but you have a good point. So I guess all I can do is gearing for now to grow alittle balls (more acceleration/torque). The info was great and now I understand boring ,compression and the whole top end re build ******** lol I think..s
lol. Yah I know I'm no fun. :tdown:

But do the gears, you have the info for that. It'll change the machine a lot.
As for the topend, if you ever do it. I say take it to a local machine shop, and get them to do the work for ya. But ask if you can watch how they do it. Or even look it up on youtube.
We can tell you how to do it all day, but till you actually see it done, it won't really make any sense.
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Gotcha ....I believe it was you mathius that ask what size tires I'm running? I'm running a 22x11x10 and you suggest 14/40 on 22's would that still be the same suggestion without the top end and cam work done??
Alright mathius got white smoke coming from the exhuast pipe right where it connects to the jug also at rear not a lot but on start ups sometimes. What you think now?? Still moisture??
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All I read was the first post.

Who is this master warrior builder? Have him sign up on here so we can test him.....
Oooo snap beastly I don't think he's a master but his bike was pretty darn nice I will post pics soon as I get them. He says some stuff that are not quit accurate such as the warrior is a 5spd and a 12:1 compression will be fine with stock internal and doesn't require race gas.buttttt I've found a awesome write up on top end rebuild on bluetraxx so I grew balls and I'm going to tackle it myself . I just want to make sure it's time to crack her open yet according to mathius it's not based on the info I have him so read up beastly and let me know you opinion

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