Well-Known Member
Dont get me started on 2 stroke chamber shape.. we will need another thread for that lol
Well yah.. Thats what we're say'n.I was under the impression that I can get a piston kit that will give me higher compression without having to bore ...silly rabbit.
Lmao..And a gear head replied to that wise man "if it runs, it can always be made to run faster!"
lol. Yah I know I'm no fun. :tdown:Damn Mathius you suck ass lol joking but you have a good point. So I guess all I can do is gearing for now to grow alittle balls (more acceleration/torque). The info was great and now I understand boring ,compression and the whole top end re build ******** lol I think..s
for me if you can feel it with your finger nail its to much..