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man i was just joking! i like messing with people about grammar. it is VERY fun lol
dude i was joking. and you threatened me first! so 8 rounds of .308 in your chest it is! lol jk
mmmmkkk that wasent even a real m1a just an airsoft! the real one is locked up lol
why? lol i said somthin stupid lol. thats it. my humor isnt always the brightest! so i removed it lol
Come on guys,, just gotta role with the punches..Besides alex is young i expect him to say stupid **** thats why i started the thread so i no who's a kid (sorry alex) and who's a man!! Its all in good fun "*******'' LOL,,,:haha:
i do say stupid ****! whats the fun without stupid ****?!?!?

cause your a kid saying some stupid **** with a buch of "grown ups" and you sound like an idiot when you say **** like that. Dont know if you have noticed but no one one here has ever posted joking or not about shooting someone. We stay pretty close on here and these guys are awesome. I know it was a joke but untill you have seen someone shot or been shot at that **** is no joke man. I'm not calling you out just a little "big Bother guidance". Tone it down a bit and you will get along just fine man.
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