Well-Known Member
JOSH your not lookin too happy in that pic could it be because its at work on the ship?lol
Me too! I would be retired by now. My daughter is in the air force, and she is ripped!i sure as hell with i would have went into the military... i'd probably be in alot better shape right now :/
Facebook sucks! I dumped my account a year ago and dont miss it one bit. This site is way better. Post a pic here.lol just look me up on face book, Zachary Tacey
i gotta get me another horsey
Maybe im more city then i thought,, i dont do horses, at my old house i was renting there was two horses in the field behind me and the owners were crapy so id get up in the morrning to find a big ass horse standing infront of my truck and id have to get it and put it back in the pin!! And go out and water them in the middle of summer cuz id see they didnt have any and go out to turn off the water they left on flooding the back yard..
trail ride western saddle. i've rode all them fancy European and Australian saddles and they all suck. I have a $800 rig with bucking straps and such... i can break and train horses. i had 5 back in GA and couldn't figure out how to get em out here so i found a ranch that took em all
i ride western because i was always the one breaking new horses and i like being able to
i ride western because i was always the one breaking new horses and i like being able to
heres the most recent picture of me with my Girlfriend of 1 1/2 years. Hoping for more years to come.
lbjamm, nice to see you finaly join the thread properly(pic),,,