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eh whatever bout the timing chain. i dont own one i just know there a pain in the ass to work on!
Hahahaha,,, thats funny i was thinking the same thing,,give him the same car with it needing the rear cat and manifold that would cheer him up, peice of **** taurus...
Very seldom do you have to replace timing chains. They usually outlast the whole car. Honestly I can't think of a car that really pisses me off, just to have to work on it. I'm thinking, but, haven't come up with anything.
I agree with you guys about working on cars on a hoist, I'm 6'4" and the lifts never go up high enough to keep me from busting my melon on something underneath them!
catallac with the northstar 24v and or a safari van? ^ and ill start a new thread
Damn Tony!! you make me look like a shrimp lol
nah I should be 6'+ but because of my Kidney disease I stopped growing at 16
been a long hard life but I'm still tickin!!!


You look like the typical cheesehead eddie!! Lol, seriously we need to hook up and go riding!
I think I'm riding deprived right now haven't been out on the trails since October it's killing me the Damn Sheriff /trail coordinator won't open the trails till we get at least 6" more snow.

And Todd Very few people call me by the name "Eddie" in fact haven't been called that since High school
A few family friends now days
doesn't bother me so don't worry my nick name used to be "Fast Eddie" as a kid and also "Red Sled" don't know where Red Sled came from my older Brother started it.
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Yeah, that is what we are talking about. The day he slips on the ball and chain. It is also the day his nuts get put in a jar, and gets stashed away in the wifes hope chest. Which is fitting, because, there will come a day when he hopes to use them again. I'm sure she'll let him use them when she wants to have a kid... Man! Am I on a roll or what! lol. Only playin with ya dean!

Hahaha. It cool. My old lady is a good one, only reason why I am getting married. Hell, if I were to loose my nuts I'd stay single and risk it in the herpes pool with everyone else. We've already been together for 8yrs. I think we have figure each other out by now. I like to 4wheel and wrench and she likes to shop, we dont get on each others case about those things so its all good in the hood.
MS thank you for serving out country props out to ya man!

oh its no problem man your are most welcome. its a job like anything else. and to honest we couldnt do half the **** we do with out support for people like you all and family. your the ones that make us tick we do it for you.
Thats alsume bro, i love military **** and wish i would have done it, got a bud that just moved to Sanfrancico and got deployed, sent me a pic of him fully geard up standing infront of one of those big ass military convoy trucks, super cool but he tinny infront of that thing!!

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