I am in the military and as much as I would hate to shoot Americans if I am ordered to and the government is justified in their orders and the civilians uprising are not I will follow orders.
I don't care about the other stuff in this post. I am not a hunter, gun nut, or supporter really.
But, the government is the problem with our country. I'm sorry, but they are NOT what makes this country operate or function. Hard working people, that provide a genuine service to this nation, and it's occupents, is what makes this country work every single day, and is what this country USED to be about, and needs to be about once again. If ever they come after my way of life, and expect me to bow down to them because they have been bestowed with a "title", they can kiss my Irish ass in Macey's window. All they need to do is leave us alone. We have more laws telling us what we can't do, then what we can. We are expected to bail the country out of the debt THEY, the govenment, got us into, and are unwilling to do the right thing to get us out of it. And, that is to take paycuts, and make what they deserve to make. They do nothing for us that warrents them being paid millions of dollars, and garner health care for life. I bust my ass for my money, and for what I have. The people of our country can no longer agree to anything then to disagree. People are so down drodden that they will not unite, and stand for what this country was founded for... FREEDOM. Something that the government has all but taken away from us. Because of these mush head, power hunger, little dick syndrome shmucks, this country has become a joke. That is not something I ever thought I would say, let alone witness...