so who's "selling" their guns before the assault weapons ban?

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thats basicly what he is doing. read the WHOLE second amendment. it says we have the right to military grade weapons. so if he bans em here he has to take away the military's too! :) and civil war could very well happen dude you need to get into listening to the general public and what they are sayin.
I'm staying out of this. If I say what is on my mind, the feds may be at my door in 10 secs to arrest me.
say it dude. its not like deadlast cant destroy the forums HDD lol JK. but i dont think the feds can do **** cause of FREE SPEECH!
Free speach isn't free unless you are the media. The government wants you to say what they want to hear. Not like anyone here isn't thinking this, and it's not like it hasn't been said over the net before. Many, many times before... Just maybe he will catch one of those bullets he is trying so desperately to rid our country of.
I'm done.... lifted is a private in the army remember? he could rat us all out haha. I say **** it! they ain't gettin my guns so let em do what they want and leave me the hell alone
thats basicly what he is doing. read the WHOLE second amendment. it says we have the right to military grade weapons. so if he bans em here he has to take away the military's too! :) and civil war could very well happen dude you need to get into listening to the general public and what they are sayin.
The "WHOLE" 2nd amendment "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Says nothing about hunting or self defence like the liberals would like but it also says nothing about what type of arms we are allowed to have. They can legislate us down to only owning muskets and still not go against the 2nd amendment. A well trained (regulated) militia can be well trained with muskets.

I am a huge gun supporter, hell over half of my income comes for guns, but I also believe in law. I am in the military and as much as I would hate to shoot Americans if I am ordered to and the government is justified in their orders and the civilians uprising are not I will follow orders.

I do listen to the people, I am on many gun forums and all of my friends are avid gun owners. And none are talking civil war without the constitution being shredded by the government.
I'm done.... lifted is a private in the army remember? he could rat us all out haha. I say **** it! they ain't gettin my guns so let em do what they want and leave me the hell alone
LOL I'm a Sergeant First Class with 17 years in service. No one is coming for your guns so chill out there war monger. **** the government can't find the illegal immigrants what makes you think they can find all the guns.
You guys know that even if they ban AR15s you can still buy lowers and build them. You will be able to buy 80% lowers and machine them yourself. Basicly they are legal lowers with out serial numbers. Not legal to sell to others but for personal use they are. I watched a buddy build one last year. Machined it with a drill press.
I am in the military and as much as I would hate to shoot Americans if I am ordered to and the government is justified in their orders and the civilians uprising are not I will follow orders.

I don't care about the other stuff in this post. I am not a hunter, gun nut, or supporter really.

But, the government is the problem with our country. I'm sorry, but they are NOT what makes this country operate or function. Hard working people, that provide a genuine service to this nation, and it's occupents, is what makes this country work every single day, and is what this country USED to be about, and needs to be about once again. If ever they come after my way of life, and expect me to bow down to them because they have been bestowed with a "title", they can kiss my Irish ass in Macey's window. All they need to do is leave us alone. We have more laws telling us what we can't do, then what we can. We are expected to bail the country out of the debt THEY, the govenment, got us into, and are unwilling to do the right thing to get us out of it. And, that is to take paycuts, and make what they deserve to make. They do nothing for us that warrents them being paid millions of dollars, and garner health care for life. I bust my ass for my money, and for what I have. The people of our country can no longer agree to anything then to disagree. People are so down drodden that they will not unite, and stand for what this country was founded for... FREEDOM. Something that the government has all but taken away from us. Because of these mush head, power hunger, little dick syndrome shmucks, this country has become a joke. That is not something I ever thought I would say, let alone witness...
oh tryin to start **** with me again.

again **** the government
I'm not starting **** with you princess, but you are starting to sound like those morons ranting on Youtube and then losing their carry permits for running their mouth. "from my cold dead hands" LOL
neh i just dont like the government. they'll do what they will and it doesn't bother me any! go with the flow! doesn't mean i have to like it
I am in the military and as much as I would hate to shoot Americans if I am ordered to and the government is justified in their orders and the civilians uprising are not I will follow orders.

That is a ****** statement!!! Stuff like that is what gets all the crazies in tinfoil hats all riled up.
Thats why I stapled mine on! Just have to make sure to put foil tape over the staples so the goverment brain control doesnt leak through the holes.
Banning all this will make law abiding citizens turn to illegal means to get what we want and are used to. So we will be buying Chinese 15 round mags, and hood ar's (tape on the grip and serial numbers scratched off). So making us criminals for having things, mind you that we have never had a problem with, that are going to be banned is just garbage. Why can't I have the same right (and gear) to protect me and my family, that the police or military or president himself, has to protect them and their families? That's not equality, therefore that is unconstitutional.
I'm not starting **** with you princess, but you are starting to sound like those morons ranting on Youtube and then losing their carry permits for running their mouth. "from my cold dead hands" LOL

Oh, like people at a Ted Nugent concert? And even Teddy himself? lol haha
People even if they ban EVERY gun in the world the bad guys are still gonna have them.. i wonder if anybody thought about that.