so who's "selling" their guns before the assault weapons ban?

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Hilarious, Pmags are proven to be much stronger than aluminum USGI mags.

Also, you cannot go through and change 3, 10 round mags before you could fire off a 30 round mag, just sayin'....
Takes less the a second to do a combat mag change and you stay on target while changing mags. You never look down at your mag while changing, both old and new mag are in your hand at the same time during the change. If you're just blowing off ammo without aiming then sure you could do it fast but well aimed shots you can't.
gun control isn't about making streets safer (statistics say gun control does the opposite) gun control is exactly what it says! CONTROL. banning weapons takes control out of the citizens hands and puts it in the governments.
I'm Canadian so my perspective is much diffrent then most of yours.

If lets say you were the victim of a home invasion, or some other type of thing whith an armed crazy bad guy was already shooting in your home. I don't see how 30 round clips are going to make your chances of survival any better. Because you want the right to own a AR15, the bad guy also gets to have one. Remember he may be a certified, medication taking, bi-polar, nut job. That got his AR15 at a gun show a month earlier. Would you not prefer a system that puts some hard limitations on who can own a mechine gun, such as checking if they are taking any drugs for serious mental illness or a history of violent behavior.

Secondly, are you that bad of a shot you can't hit your target with 1 of TEN shots? If you miss with the first TEN shots, you need to spend some time and money at the gun range, rather then the gun store on a bigger clip.

Again, I'm a Canadian we have VERY strict gun control. I know I'm statistically safer in my house without a gun then if I were armed and on the other side of the border.
we support logical gun laws dude. like you said the mental backround checks should be manditory. and it isnt a machine gun if it is automatic! we have our 30 round weapons to protect us from tyerrany, also known as our over controlling goverment. not other people. and just so you know the US as a whole has more than a 50 percent LESS violent crime rate than the UK! so why does everybody think we are so violent? because of media!
well #1 a ar isn't a machine gun... class 3 FFL's are required to own a machine gun and those are a PAIN in the ass to get.

#2 the point isn't that you cant hit with 10 rounds... the point is we have the leagal right to own 30round mags and they're dicks for trying to take em away
well #1 a ar isn't a machine gun... class 3 FFL's are required to own a machine gun and those are a PAIN in the ass to get.

#2 the point isn't that you cant hit with 10 rounds... the point is we have the leagal right to own 30round mags and they're dicks for trying to take em away

I wouldn't know the difference between one semiautomatic and the next, because nobody I know has one.

In the seventies you were allowed to let a baby sit on your lap when driving a car. Times change, and so do the laws. I'm sorry but nobody needs a 30 round clip unless your in a war zone. Again if the first TEN didn't kill enough, maybe when the clip needs changing. A GOOD guy or gal (cop, bystander, security) with a normal handgun will be able to put ONE round where it needs to go.
Well there are only 562,000 soldiers in the Army and less then that in the Marines. The sad thing about Obama's plans is that he will not be doing anything unconstitutional. Therefore the military will follow orders and protect the united states from all enemies foreign and domestic. 300 million gun owners will do nothing but die if they try to fight our armed forces.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about the assault weapon ban (glad I live in TN where they will not enforce it) but all of this talk about civil war and uprising is just childish and gives gun owners a bad name.

BTW I can always get 30rd mags and it will be legal for me to own them even after the ban. LOL.

I for one can say i would never do such a thing cause it would never happen. you or me will never be ordered to go house to house to "take" peoples weapons. It just wont happen. And the Marine Corps is very much a smaller place then the Army at less then 198000. Now i dont think that any sort of millita talk is childish at all, there were 5,000,000 registerd hunter in the state of wisconsin alone in the year 2011. and that my friend is one hell of a millita if bound together and like minded. now you can agree or disagree i really dont care but 5 million hunters with basic hunting skills and bolt action rifles will give a well orginized military a run for their money any day. And i can sell you 30 rd mags any day of the week. hahahaha
Funny allmy hand guns hold more than 10rds,,, gess they are assault hand guns,, just funny to but if a guy gets drunk and runs into somebody and kills them they dont ban cars!!
Funny allmy hand guns hold more than 10rds,,, gess they are assault hand guns,, just funny to but if a guy gets drunk and runs into somebody and kills them they dont ban cars!!

look i'm buying in to all this but look at how many people kill others while texting and driving. They dont ban cell phones! but there are laws in place to stop it and crashes still happen because of it! criminals! somebody try and argue that point.
heh why dont they ban butterknifes too? like they did in the UK? full of ******** and they still have 50% MORE CRIME THAN US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
look i'm buying in to all this but look at how many people kill others while texting and driving. They dont ban cell phones! but there are laws in place to stop it and crashes still happen because of it! criminals! somebody try and argue that point.
I agree,,
^ now that just nonsense!!!!

not really people in the UK cant carry anything but non locking knifes under 2" so i say butterknife. lol. but seriously they have 50% more crime per capita than the US. so how is lower mag capacity going to help us? in the UK they have no guns! so WHAT THE HELL!!!!!
not really people in the UK cant carry anything but non locking knifes under 2" so i say butterknife. lol. but seriously they have 50% more crime per capita than the US. so how is lower mag capacity going to help us? in the UK they have no guns! so WHAT THE HELL!!!!!

look man they have guns first off! you can never stop bad people from doing what they wanna do! if you want a gun you can get a gun end of story.....regardless of the law. people like you and me folloe the laws cause we are good people. it just sucks that the laws are dictated by criminals and not people who follow the rules.
I wouldn't know the difference between one semiautomatic and the next, because nobody I know has one.

In the seventies you were allowed to let a baby sit on your lap when driving a car. Times change, and so do the laws. I'm sorry but nobody needs a 30 round clip unless your in a war zone. Again if the first TEN didn't kill enough, maybe when the clip needs changing. A GOOD guy or gal (cop, bystander, security) with a normal handgun will be able to put ONE round where it needs to go.
An AR15 is not for home defence. a 5.56mm/.223 round will go through the bad guy, through your house walls and into your neighbors house. Not practical. We want our AR15s because they are cool and fun to shoot and great weapons. I like the 30rd mag in the civilian world because it's a pain to reload a 10rd mag at the range while shooting when I can just reload a 30 and shoot longer.
I for one can say i would never do such a thing cause it would never happen. you or me will never be ordered to go house to house to "take" peoples weapons. It just wont happen. And the Marine Corps is very much a smaller place then the Army at less then 198000. Now i dont think that any sort of millita talk is childish at all, there were 5,000,000 registerd hunter in the state of wisconsin alone in the year 2011. and that my friend is one hell of a millita if bound together and like minded. now you can agree or disagree i really dont care but 5 million hunters with basic hunting skills and bolt action rifles will give a well orginized military a run for their money any day. And i can sell you 30 rd mags any day of the week. hahahaha
A militia is no problem I believe there should be one in every town to ward of forgien invaders and to keep our government reminded who really runs this country. But talk of civil war because we can't have high cap mags is just stupid.

Sorry but 5,000,000 hunters don't compare to one fighter squadron each jet loaded with Jdams.
An AR15 is not for home defence. a 5.56mm/.223 round will go through the bad guy, through your house walls and into your neighbors house. Not practical. We want our AR15s because they are cool and fun to shoot and great weapons. I like the 30rd mag in the civilian world because it's a pain to reload a 10rd mag at the range while shooting when I can just reload a 30 and shoot longer.

i agreee. want home defense? buy a handgun or shotgun. AR'a are for fun and varmint huntin. reloading mags sucks so buy bigger and shoot longer! guns aren't JUST for self defense and hunting. bench rest rifles, long range precision rifles, skeet guns, for me there more about getting out and having a shooting day to blow off steam and have fun with family/friends then self defense! hell i'm a girl and i'm not afraid of anyone in hand to hand combat haha
I wouldn't know the difference between one semiautomatic and the next, because nobody I know has one.

In the seventies you were allowed to let a baby sit on your lap when driving a car. Times change, and so do the laws. I'm sorry but nobody needs a 30 round clip unless your in a war zone. Again if the first TEN didn't kill enough, maybe when the clip needs changing. A GOOD guy or gal (cop, bystander, security) with a normal handgun will be able to put ONE round where it needs to go.

Negative. On so many levels. First off, how do you know that your very own surroundings MAY become a warzone at some point? It's happened before to many people, did they see it coming? No.

I have never once even saw a 30 round 'clip' either, or a 20, or a 10 actually. Never been around too many Mosins.

An AR15 is not for home defence. a 5.56mm/.223 round will go through the bad guy, through your house walls and into your neighbors house. Not practical. We want our AR15s because they are cool and fun to shoot and great weapons. I like the 30rd mag in the civilian world because it's a pain to reload a 10rd mag at the range while shooting when I can just reload a 30 and shoot longer.

Yet another post with inaccurate information. 5.56 rounds GENERALLY don't go through a human body, very rarely will they. Bulk of the time, they will fragment upon impact, especially if you have any type of chest rig or plate carrier.

12ga slugs have been proven to travel further through drywall than what a handgun or .223/5.56 NATO round would.
i agreee. want home defense? buy a handgun or shotgun. AR'a are for fun and varmint huntin. reloading mags sucks so buy bigger and shoot longer! guns aren't JUST for self defense and hunting. bench rest rifles, long range precision rifles, skeet guns, for me there more about getting out and having a shooting day to blow off steam and have fun with family/friends then self defense! hell i'm a girl and i'm not afraid of anyone in hand to hand combat haha

are you afraid of my fat ass sitting on you in hand to hand combat?

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