Trailer w/ tool box

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[quote:k3q10szm]Would YOU want to be behind that trailer loaded on the NYS thruway?

Didn't think so.

IS that trailer going to be on the thruway?

Didn't think so.[/quote:k3q10szm]

I wouldn't drive that trailer over 15 MPH behind a tractor.

Much less on the public roads.

Ever see a trailer with no suspension hit a bump? ****** bounces around like MJ on Crack. Now, what happens with a unstable object with a high center of gravity? It tends to turn turtle. Would YOU want a 4K quad sliding UNDER a trailer JUST to save a few hundred bucks?
StoryDude1 is good ****, not afraid to jump in and stir **** up, just like somebody i know

this guy!

he makes some very valid points too...

unlike you!
I could REALLY stir **** up.....But I don't think people will be too receptive to Work Phone numbers, and mommy's address being posted. Plus, any picture you've posted EVER on the innerweb.....

What the **** are you talking about, dillhole?
I'm talking about 3 AM ip relays, and subscriptions to
yo man, don't give away all your secrets, the guy who runs this site knows everything you know and more about hacking the mainframe, he's ****** hardwired like bill gates,
yo man, don't give away all your secrets, the guy who runs this site knows everything you know and more about hacking the mainframe, he's ****** hardwired like bill gates,
**** hacking. Public info is where it's at.

Too bad there is no way to hide from it.

and as for being an E-thug..Death threats have not started, so I'd say I'm safe for the second.

e-threats from an e-thug

watch it or he will PwNz0r your n00b ass


One thing that sucks about having an uncommon name.....

Hasson, A J
Chipman, NB E0E 1C0
(506) 339-6172

Hasson, Kenneth
6365 Route10 Hwy
Chipman, NB E0E 1C0
(506) 339-1198

Hasson, Mark
Chipman, NB E0E 1C0
(506) 339-5633

So, all these people are related to you?
ooooooo u got my ip dont send me any anthrax now and that is all outdated info anyways... lmao im soooo scared
Actually, I got that from your PROFILE.

Why? It's more fun to harass your father at work.

Or to drop your info on

Do you REALLY want to go down that road?

Little hint. Don't put your name as an Email addy.
Hm I wonder how I got the trailer home....Let me think...I PULLED IT. Drove 70 on some spots during the ride home and trailer NEVER jumped around. Wow lights are going to cost me like 20 bucks off of eBay! Balance is not off at all. You can keep your opinions coming. They don't mean nothing to me.
[quote:3tevp3sl]ooooooo u got my ip dont send me any anthrax now and that is all outdated info anyways... lmao im soooo scared
Actually, I got that from your PROFILE......

Little hint. Don't put your name as an Email addy.[/quote:3tevp3sl]

He has his relatives names/addresses/phone numebrs in his profile??
Hm I wonder how I got the trailer home....Let me think...I PULLED IT. Drove 70 on some spots during the ride home and trailer NEVER jumped around. Wow lights are going to cost me like 20 bucks off of eBay! Balance is not off at all. You can keep your opinions coming. They don't mean nothing to me.

Lies. No suspension=Bouncy bouncy. And as for lights...well, it's now a 150 dollar trailer isn't it?

I just find it funny that people will drop thousands into a toy........and put it on the cheapest trailer they can find.

Again, no fenders, no tie-down'll have 2X the purchase price in it by the time it's done.
dude if your stupid enough to take this **** so seriously you can drop my info off of their but i and everyone else on this site will know that you are and ethug and take the internet too seriously.


and u smell bad how about some of this

Your a ******* moron storydude...Wow 150 dollar trailer...oh no it is hard to drill holes in metal to bolt tie downs in. Oh no watch out no fenders!!!!!! And for the last time the ******* trailer DOES NOT BOUNCE.....
Storydunce1, you are a prick. Why not contribute something rather than trying to make your dumb existence into something it is not? There is such a thing as constructive criticism and then there is plain old meaness/jealousy. I know your type well: you have to be the center of attention, you interupt others (and if they continue to talk, you talk louder and louder until you are yelling), you will NOT SHUT UP AND LET ANYTHING GO, if anyone says they have something you absolutely MUST talk it down to make it seem as if you are above them, if no one will listen to you or accept your opinions you will eventually get mad and stomp off to pout.

dude if your stupid enough to take this **** so seriously you can drop my info off of their but i and everyone else on this site will know that you are and ethug and take the internet too seriously.


and u smell bad how about some of this


I thought that info was outdated? now you are saying it's correct? Good.

Enragement to follow.

Storydunce1, you are a prick. Why not contribute something rather than trying to make your dumb existence into something it is not? There is such a thing as constructive criticism and then there is plain old meaness/jealousy. I know your type well: you have to be the center of attention, you interupt others (and if they continue to talk, you talk louder and louder until you are yelling), you will NOT SHUT UP AND LET ANYTHING GO, if anyone says they have something you absolutely MUST talk it down to make it seem as if you are above them, if no one will listen to you or accept your opinions you will eventually get mad and stomp off to pout.


Yea, I'm envious of a POS trailer. Ever think i'm trying to pass along wisdom? That trailer is a POS. FACT. Sch40 pipe, bedframes, and truck axles do not a trailer make.

and to the OP...did you put 400 Lbs of Quad, and 100 Lbs of gear in it before you drove it home? Didn't think so.

If he wants to pull a 5K quad on a 200 dollar trailer, that's his problem.

I'm waiting for everyone here to start sucking his dick when it flips on him, destroying his qad, and tow vehicle.

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