Trailer w/ tool box

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So, tell us. Did mommy and daddy buy all that stuff in your sig?

Seeing as you are 17, I'd assume yes.

actually, i have a part time job and i go to school, i bought the quad myself, paying $150 a month, but my dad did finance it, and i got most of the stuff for it from my parents, yes, i bought probably close to half of the stuff for it and they the other half.

seeing as u are 31 and are arguing with all of us, do you still live with mommy and daddy? I'd assume yes.[/quote:d5nqfi0w]

So, without your father Howmuchamonthing it for you, you would not have it.
That explains alot.

And as for me, I OWN my own home(not financed..OWN) Own my own business, AND all my vehicles Outright.

Does it suck to be always wrong?

Not financed by Daddy. If you did anything on here other than start **** you'd know the story. He and I split the quad payment. He has paid for the majority of the parts.

Where does he get the money? He babysits 3 days a week and works with a contractor ont he weekends.

And how many days off did you spend at school? His school is only open for exams and his are done.


OOOO enragement!
Without YOUR credit, he would not have it.
Right or wrong?

Funny, I'd like to see how a 14 y/o works for a contractor in NYS without working papers...Or more to the point, working in a job that by NYS law you cannot hold untill 18.
Does it suck to be acting like a 12 year old when you are 31?
Read back buddy. I posted an OPINION on that POS trailer, and what happened?

That's right. Everyone on here started sucking dick, falling over themselves to praise that POS.
[quote author=2xtreme board=general thread=1138320279 post=1138377638]

Funny, I'd like to see how a 14 y/o works for a contractor in NYS without working papers...Or more to the point, working in a job that by NYS law you cannot hold untill 18.

He has his working papers and NYS law only applies to the type of work being done.

I have to wonder about your motives being here. Other than this thread, you have only posted in 2 others. Yet you have spent a good amount of time here.

It seems that continuing the ******** in this thread is the only reason you remain.
No, It's because if I'm not asking about some useless Bling **** for a quad, nobody here has any info.

I posted a SIMPLE question. What was the year break on Warrior parts.....All I got back were blank stares.

Ask about an Elelbrock carb, and 1500 people respond.

Is it my fault that the Tech here is useless?
Oh, and BTW, I got that answer on ATV Connection in under 10 min.
Your question made no sense. I read it and didn't stare blankly, but rather overlooked it because it was not a full question. my name searching!
No, It's because if I'm not asking about some useless Bling **** for a quad, nobody here has any info.

I posted a SIMPLE question. What was the year break on Warrior parts.....All I got back were blank stares.

Ask about an Elelbrock carb, and 1500 people respond.

Is it my fault that the Tech here is useless?

Then I say "Move the **** On..."
Your question made no sense. I read it and didn't stare blankly, but rather overlooked it because it was not a full question. my name searching!

"what is the year break on control arms"

Yea, looks like the grasp of the english language is not your strong point.

And sure thing there Mr Reed.
Ha ha really think you are right! MORON!

That is hilarious!

then enlighten me. Stop hiding behind your keyboard and post up there Keyboard Cowboy.
lol...not quite. I don't give up that info on the net. Plus, you know everything
lol...not quite. I don't give up that info on the net. Plus, you know everything

But you already HAVE Mr Reed. I would post the first 6 of your phone number, but I'll let you man up first.

Want mine?
lol...Dunce, I'm telling you, you're off on the name so go ahead and give the number. I wouldn't lie to you about it, if you get it I'll say so.
The backpedalling has begun.

what backpedaling? You? You haven't said anything right as far as me yet. I told you to give the number, you didn't, is that the backpedaling you are referring to?

And, no, I do not want your number. My gate don't swing that way.
Uh, dunce, my name is in my signature. Did you forget where you got it? The rest was wrong. So tell me the first six of my phone number. I know it is on the web, can't you find it?

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