Trailer w/ tool box

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[quote:27vuyyiv]...I posted a SIMPLE question. What was the year break on Warrior parts.....All I got back were blank stares.

so that's what this is all about??[/quote:27vuyyiv]

Not at all. This is Entertainment. Unless you cannot figure that out by now
Ok first things first, pelphrey if you are going to do some work to that trailer that’s cool we all buy things with in our budget anyway - if he says that it works for what he’s using it for then we cant argue that.

I can not however disagree with storydude, his claims are very valid (I have built a trailer or two in my day and learned the hard way) and building/purchasing a trailer with out a good center mass, good welds, and suspension will ultimately either lead to some close calls, a swaying trailer, damaged machines, or worse - damaged machines, towing vehicle, and people behind you and around. The last thing you want to do is get to your destination to only find out that a ****** weld on one of the arch/supports cracked; then you are stuck pulling her home nervous as **** the entire way only to hit a bump and have your multi thousand dollar machine(s) come off and hit someone - civil suit! I for one would not put my quad on some of the trailers I helped friends build because of the suspension issues. One of the reasons I have not purchased a trailer for myself yet is because I have not been able to afford a decent one around here with springs that didn’t need some work for my price range.

All and all storydude is entitled to his opinion as are all of you, I can’t and will not ban someone for that.

I do ask that you don’t belittle people story; your apparent knowledgeable experiences are known - don’t use them to bash other peoples ****. As far as I see it though he didn’t go farther then an opinion and some fact before people jumped all over him.

I honestly saw your thread regarding year breaks and knew what it meant. I didn’t know them off the top of my head/didn’t have the time to look them up online.
ok storydude if atvconnection is so much better then stay there. nobody gives a **** if you leave, nobody wants your useless comments anyways
I respect that man right there.

DS, it was not the year breaks thread that started this, it was the "KILL THE NOOB" attitude I recieved when I posted my opinion. Anyone that did 20 Min of research on a trailer, and the physics involved would back my claims up.

Now, to the OP, I'm sorry if I came across harsh, but like was said above, Civil suits are NOT fun...Moreso when your baby you worked for years to get is bouncing across 2 lanes of traffic.

I'd take that thing down to the frame as much as you can, check EVERY weld, and replace the pieces that look even the smallest bit questionable.

For fenders(and trust me, picking up a rock and throwing it through the to vehicle's back window is another not fun time) check the local Curbside Supply for a Dryer, or even better an old 40Gal Hot water tank. the curve is almost perfect for 15 inch rims/tires.

Check out for lights CHEAP, and also for other cheap trailer parts, as well as just about ANYTHING else you can think of.

If you have the smallest doubt about the quality of something on that, REPLACE it.

now opinion coming again...don;t kill me..
I would have went with an old M-XXX Military trailer. They can be found EVERYWHERE for under 400-500 bucks, and are built like a brick *********.

This one will probably go for 5-600
[quote:1402nnru]Your question made no sense. I read it and didn't stare blankly, but rather overlooked it because it was not a full question. my name searching!

"what is the year break on control arms"

Yea, looks like the grasp of the english language is not your strong point.

And sure thing there Mr Reed.[/quote:1402nnru]

the year break? is how long you beat on them and they may take 10 years or it may take depends on how much you beat on the quad
...I'd take that thing down to the frame as much as you can, check EVERY weld, and replace the pieces that look even the smallest bit questionable.

For fenders(and trust me, picking up a rock and throwing it through the to vehicle's back window is another not fun time) check the local Curbside Supply for a Dryer, or even better an old 40Gal Hot water tank. the curve is almost perfect for 15 inch rims/tires.

Check out for lights CHEAP, and also for other cheap trailer parts, as well as just about ANYTHING else you can think of.

If you have the smallest doubt about the quality of something on that, REPLACE it.

now opinion coming again...don;t kill me..
I would have went with an old M-XXX Military trailer. They can be found EVERYWHERE for under 400-500 bucks, and are built like a brick *********.

This one will probably go for 5-600

now that right there is more constructive! ;D
Here is mine:


I've got around $200 in it. 1500 lb axle with 15"rims, 5/4 floor, recessed tie downs, and submersible (boat trailer) lights. Excuse the shoddy welding on the fenders, I was just learning to

I put the wheels on the back end because I wanted some weight on my truck rather than being all on the trailer. Bigger trailers though, I would level out.
that lumber on the side of that military trailer is gonna fly off and kill some one ..also dried out lumber is a haven for carpenter bumble bees plus that pintle hitch looks twisted like that trailer has already been rolled over ..and how the f#@# are you gonna show your warrior off the right way with sideboards anyhow ;)
I respect that man right there.

DS, it was not the year breaks thread that started this, it was the "KILL THE NOOB" attitude I recieved when I posted my opinion. Anyone that did 20 Min of research on a trailer, and the physics involved would back my claims up.

Now, to the OP, I'm sorry if I came across harsh, but like was said above, Civil suits are NOT fun...Moreso when your baby you worked for years to get is bouncing across 2 lanes of traffic.

I'd take that thing down to the frame as much as you can, check EVERY weld, and replace the pieces that look even the smallest bit questionable.

For fenders(and trust me, picking up a rock and throwing it through the to vehicle's back window is another not fun time) check the local Curbside Supply for a Dryer, or even better an old 40Gal Hot water tank. the curve is almost perfect for 15 inch rims/tires.

Check out for lights CHEAP, and also for other cheap trailer parts, as well as just about ANYTHING else you can think of.

If you have the smallest doubt about the quality of something on that, REPLACE it.

now opinion coming again...don;t kill me..
I would have went with an old M-XXX Military trailer. They can be found EVERYWHERE for under 400-500 bucks, and are built like a brick *********.

This one will probably go for 5-600

Yes that is. Thank you for the help finally since you had all the other knowledge...This trailer is going to travel from my house to the land I ride on which is a 10 minute drive. I currently have an 86 dodge ram but it is a **** hole, and looking for a new job. Once I get the new job I will have a truck and won't need a trailer. But I am still going to put some money into this trailer.
hey warrior speed instead of removing all them parts set the quad down in neutral (very important) and ratchet strap the trailer on top of the quad ...this will also help keep quad dry in rainy conditions
I don't know if the stock suspension would handle the weight of that trailer once it filled up with rain water..

hey warrior speed instead of removing all them parts set the quad down in neutral (very important) and ratchet strap the trailer on top of the quad ...this will also help keep quad dry in rainy conditions

loflmao thanks for the tip...what do i do about steering?
eh, since everyone else is putting theirs up i'll post mine too. It's got ramps on both sides so you can ride 2 quads up side by side, and then unload them either direction. It's nice until you need to use it for a lawn tractor or anything else though.
one extra strap should hold the steering and it wont fill up with water ,cause you have to flip the trailer upside down on top of quad ( yes this will require flipping the tounge over ) and that way if trailer flips over you dont have to stop cause it will still be on guys act like i just made this up ... many years of research have gone into these methods :-X
and by the way they are all nice trailers ...considering i dont have one lol

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