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Tried out my new pipe, czr, and realized my jetting was way off. Going back to stock from a 150 and see how that treats me. I'm at an elevation of 3000 feet. I'm liking the sound of the czr though, nice low rumble at idle but a bit on the louder side.
Washed it, then stripped the front plastics off, drained and removed the gas tank, pulled the air filter (are they supposed to be sticky?), and finally got the carb pulled out. Seemed like a long time but when I looked at the clock it was really just a little over an hour? I'm not sure if I'll start tearing down the carb tonight or wait until tomorrow lol. It's so humid outside I couldn't take it anymore and had to come in.
Took off my whole exhaust system and just brushed all the rust and dirt of my header..like with those drill attachments... Inspected it reinstalled it and put in my NEW!!! Powercore 4 slip on and LOVING IT...once I put on the heatgurd things you didn't even notice the stainless steel pipe going into full scuffed up pipe XD
You really should have painted your header while you had it off with some grill paint. I did mine last winter but it still looks better now than it did with all that rust and red mud baked on it.
Lol I didn't know what I was doing really I was just winging it....shoudnt be hard to rip it off again......:) thnx for the info mopar1
Ah that sucks.

I at least got my truck going after finding out I had 2 wires crossed, haveing done much of anything to my wardog been hot and too much stuff going on.
Just finished rebuilding the carb! Just have to purchase some new screws tomorrow and then re-install it.
No problem YN89, I found that around the elbow of the header was actually pitted from rust on mine.
*HMF performance series, HMF jet kit, and K&N drop in are in the mail!!* can't wait to get em on

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